Partner in Crime

Dmitri turned around, wondering why a lady called out to her. That's when she realized that the lady was quite prepossessing, so he stopped short. Lev and Titania tried to drag him but he just wouldn't budge. The armor gave him the foothold he needed. "Yes?" Underneath the helmet he wore, he was grinning like an idiot.

"Would you like some skewers, perchance?" Helena asked, holding out a few skewers while forcing a smile on her face.

"Sure, I'll take the whole lot." Dmitri casually responded. "Also, if it would be all right, may I also ask for your contact information?"

'This guy, what is he thinking?' Lev asked himself, scratching his head. He couldn't bear to watch Dmitri flirt in broad daylight. Titania also wore the same disgusted expression on her face, but the two didn't see each other since they were wearing the same armor and helmet as Dmitri.

"Um... yeah, sure." Helena nodded. Although it was pretty weird that the guy asked for her contact information, she decided to entertain his request. After all, it was thanks to him that she'd be able to clock out earlier than usual today.

In Dmitri's mind, he was inwardly screaming his hurrah's and yay's. He was on cloud nine, and no one could blame him. Compared to other classes, Pyro-sync Classes have a high standard when it comes to outward appearance. Not only are they hot in terms of their class, but they're also hot, physically speaking. And Helena's flame locks outlined her beauty, even more, giving her the due attention that she deserved. Dmitri wasn't the first one to hit on her like that— but then again, Dmitri was the first one to hit on her and buy everything in the skewer shop. Had he not bought all the skewers, Helena would've outrightly rejected his request.

Helena bowed a second time after putting up her comms device against Dmitri's. With this gesture, the comms device would both record their contact information in a split second. Whoever designed the comms device was a true genius. After all, in the past, one can easily give the wrong contact information by inventing a couple of digits when someone asked for a number. Nowadays, both parties need both permissions before contact information is exchanged. That's why it's more convenient getting someone's contact information in this era. Even Lev was amazed at such a simple yet useful feature.

"I'll call you later!" Dmitri said, waving his hand that carried the bag of skewers.

Lev could only imagine his expression right now. For once, he was glad that Dmitri wore a helmet. That way he wouldn't have to see how stupid his smile was.

"Now onto the mission," There was a skip in Dmitri's steps even though the armor they wore was heavy. Lev couldn't believe that his friend could achieve such a feat after just talking to a girl.

"You say we're looking for someone, right? Who are we looking for, exactly?" Lev asked. He had been meaning to ask Dmitri the all-important question but he just couldn't get the timing right. Right now, he figured that it was the correct moment to ask. He was dying of curiosity ever since he followed him into his Starlight Streamer.

"Someone big, and someone whom you know quite well." Dmitri pointed a skewer at Lev and whirled it around before eating it in one bite. A satisfied expression was written on his face as he grabbed another skewer. "These skewers are quite tasty. You should try one."

Reluctantly, Lev grabbed the skewer Dmitri offered him. Titania copied him as well, and together they ate as Dmitri led the way deeper into the settlement.

"If you were to ask us, I won't be surprised if he's the first one you'll remember." Dmitri continued. "He was sort of like your right-hand man, your partner in crime. Wherever you go, he was right beside you, and together you accomplished many feats and achieved a cornucopia of missions. With the two of you reunited, you'll be unstoppable... well, that's how we view you. That's why I prioritized looking for him first. I know that seeing him will surely jog your memory a bit."

"Yeah, hopefully," Lev sighed. "You still didn't answer my question though... who is he?"

"Don't mind it too much, even if I were to tell you right now, you won't be able to recognize his name," Dmitri answered. The urgency of their search wasn't getting into Lev at all. How could he be so relaxed when time is of the essence?

"One thing's for sure, however, I'm sure you know him by a different name— and by a different name, I mean his criminal name." Dmitri's additional information made Lev stop short in his tracks.

'Did he just say criminal or did I hear it wrong? What did he mean by that? Was I a criminal in the past? What sort of heinous crimes did I commit back then? Argh~ I can't remember anything.' Lev's mind almost short-circuited at the sudden revelation. However, his thoughts are way off the mark.

"Wait, I think you must've misunderstood what I said. Even though I said he has a criminal nickname, it should also be mentioned that he was falsely accused. That much I could say." Dmitri continued.

"So... he's a— wait! By any chance, are you perhaps talking about that criminal? The one that Captain Zed and the others are chasing right now?" Lev asked, trying to lower the volume of his voice since it would only garner unnecessary attention if he were to scream.

"I have no idea who they are but I'm assuming that he's the captain of the ship that we were following just a couple of minutes ago, right?" Dmitri confirmed. "If so, yes, we're looking for that guy. Hellspawn."

"I'm sorry? So my right-hand man, partner in crime yada yada is this guy named Hellspawn? One of the most wanted criminals in the universe?"

"Yep, that's me." A deep voice spoke from behind them, causing goosebumps to spring all over his body.