Settling Matters

"Come in, come in," Krimshur beckoned, entering the thick forests without a hesitation.

From afar, the forest already seemed thicker than it normally should be. When the group got nearer, the forest looked more sinister, the lush trees, their thick barks almost covered the entire territory, and there was hardly room for anyone to walk inside.

"Just follow me, it's easy to get lost in the forest. Whenever a threat appears, we would just run to the forest and ambush the enemies here." Krimshur explained after ducking from a low-hanging tree branch. "And even if they brought their powerful plasma cannons here, they can't really destroy the forest unless they took their time. In a long siege, we have the advantage, not to mention we have the elements on our side so we don't have to worry about exhausting our firepower. Pretty cool, right?"

"Right," Dmitri responded. "So, how have you been?"