Voyage Commences!

"Everybody hang tight!"

Diving into a wormhole was one thing, but diving into a wormhole that changes from time to time is a whole different experience altogether. While there are wormholes that have a fixed place throughout the known universe, there are also wormholes that change locations from time to time. Such is the case with Hermes Wormhole.

Hermes Wormhole, located at the far end of the known universe is one of the most erratic wormholes ever since going through it has a fifty percent chance of sending one to the unknown universe. The first expeditioners who went through the wormhole found themselves on the other side of the universe, and they celebrated the successful jump. Then the second set of expeditioners went through and no one heard from them again. From time to time, people try to take the jump in Hermes Wormhole, some were successful and some weren't. In any case, Hermes Wormhole was considered erratic, and everyone was banned from entering it.