Pinkglade Ammousor

The wormhole jump was just like any other jump, there were no clear differences compared to the other wormhole jumps that Lev and the others experienced. And yet, Dmitri made it sound like it was going to be incomparable. Well, it was amazing in its own way, they were treading unexplored territory after all.


As soon as they got out of the wormhole, an evidently low growling sound could be heard emanating through the Starlight Streamer even though it was technically impossible for sound to be heard in space. Somehow, the Starlight Streamer began vibrating, but the vibration wasn't the source of the sound. It was something else, something sinister that lurked outside, whatever it may be.

"What was that sound?" Dmitri asked even though he was the most knowledgeable of the group. Of course, no one knows what the sound is, but whatever that is, it did give everyone the chills up and down their spine.