Fitzer Rudd

Daily Log #1091

Weather: As always

Sight: As always

Condition: As always

Mental Condition: How would I know?!

Location: In the guts of a Pinkglade Ammousor. (Probably flying across the known universe, I don't know)

When you're out here, in this forsaken place where light could never reach, and where night and day seemed to stretch as far as one would imagine, your sanity will slowly dwindle until you reach the point where you can't even... where you don't even know what your purpose in life is anymore. It's just too suffocating as if someone's got a continuous hold on your neck, wringing it dry. You probably won't get the feeling but that's what I feel every single moment, every single second I stayed here. I want out! I want to get out of this place so badly! I just want to go home.