Lone Survivor

"Looks like we're out of the Framasite rain, for the most part." Dmitri pointed out, peeking through the front glass windows of the Starlight Streamer. There weren't any Framasite raining down on them anymore and that gave them a huge sense of relief. But who knows when the next wave of Framasites would get to them. They didn't want to think about it mostly because they just survived the first wave, besides, their force field is down to thirty percent and another Framasite Rain might force them to crash... no, they would definitely crash if another Framasite Rain occurs.

"Yeah, for the most parts." Hellspawn said to himself, sheathing and unsheathing the Spearhandle that he got from none other than General Peaceflame. Of course, he knew how to use it, it's just that he needed a bit more practice in order to be half as proficient as General Peaceflame. If he could do it, that means he'd have two weapons in his arsenal, two with which he has mastery over.