Grand Escape

[Years ago (ten or so years ago relative to Main Earth but time estimate might be inaccurate)]

Main Earth Complex XVII, Central Area,

The Main Earth Complex are home to the highest ranking individuals. These complexes can tower up to two hundred stories high, housing a variety of people from politicians, royalties, and rich people. While the complex aren't really that noteworthy, it provided a greater security to those who could afford it.

And that includes Pietrus Sirius and Pietrus Louise, a husband and wife which are both royalty. They were rulers of a great country at one point but when the Main Earth had transformed into one colony with the Council as its head, royalties like Sirius and Louise lost their title.

Despite losing their title, however, they still have a great ifluence in the Main Earth. In fact, due to their expertise on certain fields, they were considered candidates for the Council.