Then There Was Peace

"No way..." Sirius muttered to himself as his Carnage Class started getting the better of him. "HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU SAY HIS NAME!" Sirius suddenly raised his voice, enraged. "FIRE AT WILL! DON'T LET THAT BLASPHEMY OF A SPACE CRUISER TOUCH THIS PLANET!"

A short pause.

The personnel assigned by the Control Tower impulsively froze in shock, their stares directed right at Pietrus Sirius while their pupils dilated. This was the first time they saw Pietrus Sirius enraged, and that's saying much about his usual demeanor even though he has the Carnage Class coursing through his veins. As mentioned before, the Carnage Class are known for their short fuse and inconsistent temper, but throughout the years, Pietrus never showed that wrathful side of his, or at least he tried not to.