Long-Lost Prince


"And that's a wrap!" Dmitri enthusiastically let out as he exhaled in relief. Clapping his hands, he led the group towards the platform which was slowly opening. They were about to get out of the Starlight Streamer after more than four months of space travel.

Turns out, the Twenty-Fifth Voyage is not as unfortunate as everyone made it sound to be... or maybe they were just the fortunate ones. In essence though, it's not like their Twenty-Fifth Voyage is over yet. It's just a mere stopover of sorts.

Once the platform opened and the group walked out, they expected a couple of men in military uniforms to point their blasters at them, put them in handcuffs, and drag them in for questioning. Even though the voice over the transmitter clearly implicated that they were more than welcome to touch down, Dmitri still thought in the back of his mind that the person behind the voice was playing tricks on him so they could bring them in as peacefully as they could.