

The figure that came running was of a woman who was in her late twenties or early thirties appearance-wise. Her long black hair ran down to her waist, swishing from one side to the other as she ran towards her Lev. Anyone who saw her could tell that she was having a hard time due to the weight on her chest, quite literally, but that didn't stop her from accelerating towards Lev, enwrapping him in her embrace. Her pearly black eyes clearly showed the glistening tears that she had when she buried her face in Lev's chest.

Two gasps came from behind Lev and he didn't have to check to see where both gasps came from.

Even though the woman was prepossessing, Lev knew that she was older than she looked. She was probably in her forties by now but she still looked the same. "Mom?" Lev muttered.