
Dmitri's words made it seem like they were giving up but Lev was fairly certain that Dmitri was planning something else. After all, there's no way he'd smile from ear to ear if they were really going to give up the space pod to the enemy. 'I'm sure he has something in his mind. Let's trust him for now.' Lev muttered to himself as he nodded along.

[Let's trust Dmitri here for now. But we should keep our guards up just in case. I'm sure Dmitri would try to find an opening before unleashing a surprise attack.] The Original Lev called out in Lev's mind. Even he was a bit nervous  about the entire situation despite the fact that he just sort of existed in Lev's mind.

"All right," Lev clenched his fists as he nodded toward Dmitri a second time.