Meeting The Captain

In response, Dmitri held out a button in his hand. "If they don't listen to me, I'm going to blow this entire ship. This space bomb is a ticking time bomb, you know." Dmitri called out.

The Qwriohls had no idea how they'd react. Of course, they could tell that Dmitri wasn't lying since the button had a beeping red dot right above it. That beeping red dot indicated that there is indeed a bomb nearby, and if it was not anywhere in the Qwriohl Mother Ship, then there was only one place where it could be.

"You do know what kind of bomb this is, right?" Dmitri went on as the transmission continued. There was a hint of bloodthirst in his expression as he continued talking. "This bomb, you do know that it's more than enough to blow an entire mother ship, right? If you don't back down, We'd blow this place right up. And we won't think twice about it."