Chapter 2 Trying to Harm Me, You Would Lose a Lot of Money

"Ladies and gentlemen, the two-story villa at 009 Stamford Street officially starts auction!"

"The base price is 130 thousand dollars. If you are interested, you can start to bid."

All the people present looked at Lee automatically. Like a stick of shit, he would always shout one or two words first.

It was not a good thing to have a bad reputation.

As long as he was present, he would immediately become the target of the crowd.

Especially, Hanke and John couldn't hide their greedy and malicious eyes.

If it weren't for the system, Lee would have lost everything today.

But now, it was still unknown who could laugh to the end.

Lee rubbed his chin and pretended to be cautious.

For the first time, he raised his hand and said, "I'll pay 150 thousand dollars!"

The two people who were about to raise the price were stunned. They didn't expect that Lee would raise the price by twenty thousand dollars immediately.

As a veteran in the foreclosure business, they knew the market value of properties on Stamford Street like the back of their hand.

The second-hand housing price here was about 750 dollars per square meter.

The two-story villa covered an area of about 200 square meters and its market value was no more than 150 thousand dollars.

Lee's offer was immediately stuck to the important point, leaving those present who intended to offer in a dilemma

Hanke still winked at John.

"Bro, you make an offer first. I'll take it later."

John gritted his teeth and offered, "160 thousand dollars!"

"160 thousand dollars once!"

"160 thousand dollars for two times. Is there any higher price?"

"170 thousand dollars!"

Lee raised his hand to bid again, looking defiant.

He hurled to the two at the same time.

This was the most distinctive scenery in the auction of real estate. There would be a fierce battle in words between the two sides from time to time.

In the spirit of getting into the country and following the customs, Lee put the erudition of trash talk to good use.

The two of them, of course, understood what "fuck" meant. John and Hanke immediately fought back, being reluctant to show weakness.

However, they always said "fuck". The more they cursed, the more excited they became. John felt so aggrieved that his neck turned red.

The hostess was already accustomed to this scene, so she had to interrupt the two parties with a microphone:

"Is there any higher price?"

Hanke, who had been stimulated by the "profound language art", shouted fiercely with a dark face, "I'll pay 180 thousand dollars!"

All the speculators talked to their assistants, and they were calculating the profit.

Even though the two-story villa had just been renovated, the profit of 180 thousand dollars was not much. Maybe there would be some new furniture which could create a little profit.

The two looked at Lee confidently.

Xiao Mei, the assistant, who had been silent all the time, hurriedly reminded Lee, "Young master, we don't have to be angry with them. Money should be used in a more important place."

Xiao Mei graduated from Harvard University and majored in finance.


As a boss, Lee always treated his subordinates generously. Xiao Mei was also grateful to Lee for supporting her to complete her study. Now Lee's family had encountered trouble, and many people had left the Goodboy Company, but Xiao Mei didn't give up and planned to accompany Lee.


She knew that 200 thousand dollars were the last chance for Lee to win the bid. Knowing the importance of this amount of money to the Goodboy Company, she hurriedly stopped Lee, who was about to continue bidding.

But what made her feel uncomfortable was that Lee got rid of her hand and looked exasperated.

The calm and composed image of the past had disappeared!

In the eyes of the crowd, Lee's eyes were red with anger. The crisis of his family had made him unable to restrain his inner impulse.

"Xiao Mei, cooperate with me to act a play. After a while, you throw the folder on the ground and turn around to leave."

His voice was so low that only Xiao Mei could hear it.

Everyone was watching the fun, and even the hostess was watching the farce with her hands in her handbag.

Xiao Mei immediately understood what was going on and her acting skill was immediately online. Tears were rolling in her eyes, and she looked wrong. She threw the folder on Lee and ran away without looking back.

"Lee, this is your mistake. You see, the beautiful woman was so angry and cry. Tut, tut, I would hate to scold such a beautiful woman."

Hanke licked his lips with a lewd smile on his black face.

"It's none of your business. I'll offer 181 thousand dollars. Hanke, if you have the guts, you should bid again."

Hanke, who was named, knew that Lee didn't have much money in his pocket, so Hanke said confidently, "I'm not afraid of you. 182 thousand dollars. Add one thousand. This house is yours."

"182 thousand dollars once!"

"182 thousand dollars twice!"

Hearing the auctioneer's urging, everyone looked at Lee who was lost in thought.

Lee waved his hand and said with a smile, "Hanke, you win. Since you love this house so much, I'll give it to you."

"Sold for 182 thousand dollars!"

Seeing Lee's free and easy expression, Hanke was a little curious. This guy was going to fight him to the end just a second ago, but why did Lee become a coward the next second.

As an old rival, Hanke felt that something bad was going to happen. The cunning Lee must be playing some tricks.

Everyone was curious about the interior of the house blind box that Hanke bought at the cost of 182 thousand dollars.

As soon as he got the key, Hanke rushed in first.



The crowd kept cursing, and they were disgusted by the scene inside the room.