Chapter 3 A New Hint

There was a disgusting stench in the room.

The stinky odor came from the large pile of soft human excrement.

Several broken quilts were casually spread in the hall.

Obviously, this place had been boarding by a group of homeless men.

If it was just a mess, there was still space to rescue. As long as Hanke made someone to clean the house, it could be sold out.

No one would have guessed that there had been a few excrements here.

But what Hanke couldn't bear was that all the valuable things in the room had been robbed, and even a few pieces of the floor had been taken away.

Fortunately, the house had indeed been renovated. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all carefully decorated, so he didn't lose much.

He would lose five thousand dollars at most.

Hanke tried to comfort himself.

But the next moment, a burst of scream came from the garage.

What was going on? Was there shit in the garage again?

Frightened, Hanke ran to the garage which was connected with the kitchen in a hurry.

Like others, he was also dumbfounded.

Lee, who had already received the hint, looked at Hanke sympathetically.

If this guy had bid well, he wouldn't have suffered such a great loss.

The garage had been renovated into a bedroom by the original owner. If it was only for him to live, there was no problem.

But if Hanke wanted to sell it, there would be a big problem.

First of all, according to the law, the garage couldn't be used for living. If it was discovered to be illegally modified, it would be fined over ten thousand dollars, and it would be corrected. During this period, it couldn't be sold again.

"Fine 10000 dollars and repair it again. Don't sell it again during this period."

Every word hit Hanke's heart and gave him a heavy blow.

All the people present who were veterans in the business knew what it meant. John immediately calculated the loss.

If Hanke was lucky enough, he didn't have to pay a fine. However, he should spend 5000 dollars to repair the garage.

If Hanke wanted to sell this room, he still had to buy second-hand furniture. The total loss was at least twenty thousand dollars!

After coming to this conclusion, everyone looked at Lee with fear.

This guy must have sensed something from the crack of the door. He was digging a hole for Hanke and John.

Fortunately, they were calm enough and didn't get angry like the black fat, Hanke. Otherwise, they must lose a lot today.

Faced with such a result, Hanke was so angry that his chest rose and fell. He had never suffered such a loss in Las Vegas.

He used to dig a hole for others, but now he was framed by others.

Hanke hated Lee from the bottom of his heart. After Lee came, he didn't have a good day.

He made up his mind to teach Lee a lesson.

People's prejudice against him has gone deep into the bone marrow and Lee didn't intend to explain anything.

Buying a foreclosed house meant opening a blind box. There were earning and losing.

It meant that you had to admit defeat when gambling.

No matter how pitiful the speculators were, Lee took Xiao Mei, who was waiting outside, to the next foreclosed house.

In the car, Xiao Mei heard the horrible scene in the house. She smiled, in a huddle on the passenger seat and said from the bottom of her heart.

"Boss, you are good at playing Hanke."

"You are also good at acting. You can take the best actress of the film festival as your acting skill."


The two of them calmed down at the same time because the crisis of the Goodboy Company was still existing, and they had to face the following auction.

Soon they arrived at the new auction place.

If Stamford Street was a middle-class residential area, then Chelstone Street, which was separated by a wall, was totally a slum area.

They couldn't see the end of the three-story building.

Most of the people living here were from low-income families and newcomers.

Since they couldn't afford an independent house with a frontcourt and backyard, they had to buy or rent the residential building.

There was no independent backyard or swimming pool, and there was even no security.

Lee was used to doing big business. He didn't like these houses with no premium space, but now it was not up to him to pick and choose.

They drove smoothly into the residence area of Chelstone.

As soon as he got out of the car, Lee got a clear hint:

"Please note that the basement floor of this house is sandwiched, and there are millions of antique gold coins in it. Do you know what to do?"

Were there gold coins between the floor?

Lee didn't believe totally what he had heard. The hint was ridiculous. How could a man with such a large fortune live in a slum?

With such a large amount of money, it wouldn't be reduced to a foreclosed house.

But the previous solitary villa had verified the authenticity of the hint, and Lee again could not help but hesitate.

Perhaps the origin of these gold coins was unknown, and the owner of them had already died.

While he was deep in thought, other speculators also drove over.

Hanke gave Lee a ferocious stare. This guy, Hanke really did not see Jesus did not shed tears.

The speculators walked around the first floor of the community. The sanitation of the residential building was very poor, and the shoes were placed in the corridor, emitting a strange smell.

The interior of the community was severely aged, and it was estimated that the drain of system water was also very worrying. Seeing this, all the speculators shook their heads.

They felt that the market price of 500 dollars per square meter was a little high.

In their eyes, they could only rent out such a house after buying it, hoping that some homeless people could live for a long time.

But Hanke was thinking about how to let Lee take over the house.

But Lee was too shrewd to be easily tricked.

The hostess of the auction seemed to know that this suite was not attractive to these professional buyers, so she took the initiative to remind them.

"Hey, guys, don't be so listless."

"This suite covers an area of 180 square meters. A basement of 60 square meters will be offered. The starting price is 50 thousand dollars."

With 50 thousand dollars of the starting price and a basement of 60 square meters, it seemed that the bank knew it was difficult to sell the house again, so they sold it at a low price directly.