Chapter 12 A Big Surprise for Benjamin

Las Vegas was surrounded by a deserted desert.

At this time, Lee was driving the Tacoma car on the spacious road.

Leng Feng's voice came from his earphone:

"I'm ready."

Leng Feng took his subordinates in another car, and the six of them followed Lee's car far behind.

In order not to attract Benjamin's attention, the distance between the two cars was about one kilometer. Even if the front car was attacked, the back car could arrive at the scene of rescue as soon as possible.

Not long after they left Las Vegas, a car quietly followed them behind the Tacoma car at a corner.

As the night fell, more and more cars followed behind the Tacoma, forming a long troop.

Benjamin's underlings also received the order to attack.

According to their plan, at the next intersection, a car would hit the body of the Tacoma, followed by a series of collisions. The four cars would sandwich the Tacoma in the middle, and then Benjamin would personally pull out Lee and strangle him.

To kill his enemy, Benjamin sent out six cars and 12 people in total!

The 12 of them were all his trusted subordinates.

It was a fatal blow to Lee.

Unfortunately, Lee listened to their conversation and knew every order and every action of them.

When the car was about to reach the ambush site, Lee drove to the grass on the roadside and got off the car with pieces of paper in a hurry, as if he was in a hurry to go to a toilet.

Looking at his enemy who was so close to him, Benjamin was very calm. He decided to wait for Lee until he entered the ambush circle.

But after waiting for a long time, everyone's eyes were sore, and the Tacoma still stopped.

Benjamin also sensed that something was wrong. Did Lee find them and run away?

Just as he was about to let the underlings attack Lee forcefully.

The Tacoma started all of a sudden and ran out like a wild horse without rein.

Benjamin shouted and commanded the exhausted underlings, "Damn it! They must have found it! Move! Stop him!"

As soon as he gave the order, a car directly drove to the middle of the road and forcibly stopped Tacoma.

The next second, several cars crashed into Tacoma's body and rear.

The Tacoma was very solid. Being attacked from all directions, the surface of the car was only slightly deformed.

"Break his windows and pull him out!"

"I will revenge on Lee for my brother myself."

Looking at the Tacoma trapped in the middle, Benjamin's eyes were full of malice. He must break every bone of Lee and finally behead him.

But when he rushed up to the crowd and broke the window, there was no one inside.

"They are not in the car. There is no one in it."

Everyone was confused. Did Lee not get in the car after he got out of the car and shit?

Benjamin felt something was wrong. He didn't know what the problem was. He pulled several people away and jumped into the car.

At this moment, the people closest to the car heard the sound of the second chronograph walking.

"Damn it! There is a bomb in the car!"

Benjamin turned around without hesitation.

"Bang!" "Bang!" Several cars exploded one after another.

Benjamin, whose back was injured by the explosion, tried his best to climb out of the exploding circle. He never thought that Lee would set such a trap for him.

Was there a traitor in his team?

Lee, who had just got out of the car and pretended to shit, didn't return to the car. Instead, he used the remote control to make the empty car with bullets hit into their ambush circle.

Lee had been waiting for them to hit him and surround him before he pressed the button of bombs.

The plan was crazy!

This was a Tacoma car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars!

When he got closer, he could even sniff the smell of a new car. To trap him, Lee had spent a lot of money.

Seeing his beloved car blooming like fireworks, Lee took out his phone in advance and took a photo of this scene, preparing to keep it as a souvenir.

The firework was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, which quickly was exhausted, just the sound being heard.

As soon as Leng Feng gave the order, many bodyguards rushed over and shot at them constantly.

The injured bandits couldn't fight back at all. They were no match for the regular army. After a few rounds of attacks, they were all killed by headshots.

Benjamin was no exception. He was hit in the head and fell straight.

After a while, Jessica rushed to the scene with her underlings.

She slammed the door hard and stormed towards Lee:

"You bastard, why are you different from what you said?"

"Do you know how dangerous it is?"

Facing the woman's questioning, Lee had nothing to say. If Jessica knew their whole plan, they would not be able to kill the group of Benjamin.

He knew the law of the Beautiful country. Benjamin might be released on a few years' imprisonments and continue to make trouble for him.

In order to get rid of Benjamin, Lee told a lie, but the result was good.

"Jessica, remember to keep smiling in front of the camera later. You are not cute when you are angry."

"Smile?" Jessica laughed with anger. Sometimes, she really wanted to pry this subspecific descendant's head open to see if it was a mess and why it would always do something inconceivable.

Jessica soon knew why Lee asked her to keep smiling.

The reporters who received the news quickly arrived at the scene and took pictures of the scene.

Lee pulled unwilling Jessica to accept the interview of reporters.

"Mr. Lee, are one of those people killed by headshots Benjamin who has been hiding?"

"Yes, it's Benjamin. He wanted to rob me when he heard that I was carrying 'Charging Knight'."

"Then how did you kill them all in one net? Can you tell me the specific process? They are a group of lawless bandits!"

The female reporter's question spoke out the thoughts of the reporters present. Benjamin was the most wanted criminal of the FBI. Several times of siege failed, but now all of them died here.

"Thank you for the police in Las Vegas. Sheriff Jessica is in charge of my safety. The criminal team led by Benjamin was punished because the team led by Jessica had a tight plan..."

The reporters immediately surrounded Jessica, who was caught off guard.

"Have the police already known Benjamin's action in advance?"