Chapter 13 Arrived in Los Angeles with Police Cars Leading the Way

World Observation Network: "Benjamin, the most wanted criminal, was killed when robbing the famous painting!"

Voice of New York: "Lee, a good citizen, joined hands with the police to fight and kill Benjamin, the tough bandit, and the Los Angeles police station expressed their gratitude."

Wall Street News: "The famous painting of Leonardo da Vinci is about to be auctioned, but there are twists and turns."

Listening to the radio, Lee smiled with satisfaction. Yesterday, he gave a lot of money to reporters when being interviewed.

The media spread the news that 'Charging Knight' was about to be auctioned in Los Angeles.

It was estimated that this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci would be auctioned at a sky-high price soon.

On the passenger seat was Mrs. Jessica, whose face was still cold. Worried about Benjamin's gang's revenge, the patrolmen in Las Vegas assigned her to continue to protect Lee closely.

Because of her beautiful appearance and devil-like figure, she became famous all over the Beautiful country as soon as she was reported. Lee surfed the Tik Tok, and the screen was full of the images of Jessica being interviewed.

The public called her "hot chick policewoman".

In this action, the Las Vegas police gained the limelight. The leader of the police station didn't blame Jessica for acting without authorization and even gave her a verbal reward.

Lee didn't know why Jessica still wore a cold face, but he was happy.

Xiao Mei felt the atmosphere a little awkward, just when she wanted to ease it.

However, Leng Feng stopped the car immediately because he saw something that shocked him.

Six American police cars were parked at the border.

Maybe they had waited here for a while, and the car was covered with a layer of dew.

When they saw Lee's Hong Qi car, they all turned on the lights and whistled.

Leng Feng thought that this group of people had some improper thoughts, so he immediately put his hands on his weapons and looked on guard.

"This is to express their gratitude!" Jessica said in shock.

She explained with a little sadness, "When Benjamin was fleeing, he killed 2 people and seriously injured 3 people when the polices who blocked him were caught off guard."

"They are all colleagues of the dead. You helped them kill the bandit, Benjamin. They are very grateful to you."

The truth was the same. Jessica's phone rang. "Welcome to Los Angeles. The Los Angeles police station sincerely expresses our respect to Mr. Lee."

Lee didn't know what to say and everyone fell silent.

"Which hotel are you going to stay for a rest?"

"Royal Hotel."

This was the most luxurious seven-star hotel in Los Angeles. Recently, everyone was on tenterhooks. As the boss, Lee had no reason not to reward his underlings, so he would not be stingy.

"Okay, we will lead the way for you!"

Therefore, the citizens of Los Angeles saw a rare scene.

With two police cars leading the way, a Hong Qi black car slowly followed, followed by a convoy of accompanying bodyguards, and finally four following police cars.

The convoy was long, and wherever the police car went, people made way for it.

Such a scene attracted the attention of passers-by. People who didn't know what happened might think that a big shot had come to Los Angeles.

When the passers-by knew that it was Lee who had killed the bandit in the Hong Qi car, they shouted.

"Lee, good job!"

"Welcome to Los Angeles."

Even Jessica, who had a long face, smiled and whispered to Lee as she felt the respect from people.

"You did a good job this time, but don't risk your life again."

"So you forgive me?"

"Humph, I'm still angry. You must treat me to a seafood dinner tonight."

Ha-ha, even Leng Feng, who was driving, couldn't help laughing.

The police car led the way, which made Lee's trip to Los Angeles quite impressive.

But his inherent modesty made him unable to be proud. After arriving at the Royal Hotel, Lee hurriedly greeted the polices.

The two sides expressed their gratitude to each other. The public security officer said that Lee could contact them if he had any problems in Los Angeles.

Lee was always a friend of the Los Angeles police station.

Seeing their sincere gratitude, Lee agreed. He came up with a bold idea, but it was not the right time yet. He believed that he could comfort these lovely people by then.

Seeing Lee's powerful background, the manager of the hotel didn't dare to slack off for a moment. In a hurry, he changed the business suite that Lee had booked into a presidential suite.

Lee wanted to refuse, but when Jessica heard that the presidential suite cost 100 thousand dollars a night, Jessica agreed for Lee first.

"What are you looking at? The presidential suite is bigger so that we can protect you well."

Lee threw up his hands in embarrassment. He didn't say anything. It was Jessica who thought too much.

The presidential suite was just as the welfare to his underlings.

The decoration of the hotel was as magnificent as the imperial palace, and there was a sense of luxury everywhere.

The presidential suite was more luxuriously decorated. Lee even saw the legendary golden toilet.

The hotel also served everyone a seafood dinner, full of imperial crabs and Australian lobster sashimi.

Everyone enjoyed the meal. Jessica also drank a lot of red wine and insisted on drinking with Leng Feng till dawn.