Chapter 14 A Trip to the Flea Market

On the second day, when Lee slept till noon, he found that he was holding naked Jessica in his arms.

The woman slept soundly. Obviously, they drank too much and had sex again last night.

Leaving the annoyance behind, he kissed Jessica's forehead and got up to wash his face and brush his teeth.

He drank a lot last night, and snores came from several rooms. He found that Leng Feng was having lunch alone in the hall.

"Mr. Feng, why don't you take more rest? It's a rare holiday."

Leng Feng still maintained the habit of a soldier, with his back straight and meticulously dealing with the steak on the plate.

"It's all about the auction. The auction house called."

"They canceled the auction tonight and postponed it until tomorrow."

The delay of the auction had something to do with Lee.

The news of the block halfway had provoked much discussion. The organizer planned to expand the scale of the auction and invite more local celebrities and rich merchants.

'Charging Knight' in Lee's hand would be the finale of the auction.

It was a good thing. There were more rich people, and his painting could be sold at a good price.

But it seemed that he had to stay in Los Angeles for one more day.

Before coming to Los Angeles, Lee had heard that there had the largest flea market. As a treasure speculator, Lee had always wanted to have a look at it.

Coincidentally, Leng Feng had nothing else to do, so the two of them decided to go to the flea market to try their luck.

The manager of the hotel respectfully gave Lee a detailed map of Los Angeles, on which there were tourist guides with pictures and texts.

After hearing that the two of them were going to the flea market.

Tom, the manager of the hotel, said enthusiastically, "What a coincidence! Because of the auction, the warehouse management company of the flea market also took this opportunity to organize an auction of the abandoned warehouses. If you are interested, you can try your luck."

Hearing this, Lee's eyes lit up, and said in surprise, "The blind box of warehouses?"

He had been lucky enough to participate in an auction of a warehouse in Las Vegas. He had personally witnessed someone bid for a warehouse whose tenancy was done and the owner disappeared with a vintage car in it.

The man ran a second-hand furniture shop. He was on the verge of bankruptcy, so he chose to put all the money in the blind box of the warehouses. Fortunately, he won the bet and earned a lot of money by selling the vintage car.

In the luxury car prepared by the hotel, the two arrived at the lively flea market.

They had to pay 10 dollars per person to enter the flea market.

Los Angeles was indeed the largest city in the western part of the Beautiful country, with a sea of people in the flea market. However, looking at the dilapidated second-hand goods, it was even more shabby than the domestic antique market.

The people in the Lighthouse country were not as rich as people thought. They liked to buy some second-hand goods and use them. Many of the clothes that had been recycled in the domestic country would appear in the streets and alleys abroad.

The flea market was a second-hand market. People would choose what they could use like shopping in a supermarket.

And the largest source of goods in these second-hand shops was from the auction of abandoned warehouses.

Some warehouses that had expired and no one renew their lease would be auctioned by the management. The bidders would have one day to move the items of the entire warehouse away.

The manager could not only make a large amount of money but also save the cost of cleaning the warehouse.

It would be a win-win situation if people bought the abandoned warehouse and sold the second-hand items on the flea market.

People came and went. The second-hand goods market was different in Lee's eyes.

Along the way, there were hints constantly popping up on his items.

"This is a fake old statue. The storekeeper is a dishonest businessman. Only the collections on the wall of the shop are real. But if you want to buy it, you have to pay a price."

"This jade bracelet is worth 20 thousand dollars. The owner has always wanted to sell it at 20 thousand and 5 dollars. Don't waste your time."

"This is an ordinary second-hand furniture store. It's a good choice for you to buy some old furniture. The things in it are of good quality and low price."

Lee shook his head, trying not to look at the second-hand goods on the street. It seemed that there was nothing good here. Even if there were really good things, there was not much chance to buy them at a low price.

Leng Feng, on the other hand, was very interested in a grocery store selling military goods of World War Two. He bought a military ax made in Germany. The owner said confidently that the ax had a history of nearly a hundred years and it would cost 50 thousand dollars.

The key point was that Leng Feng didn't want to put it down. Lee took a look at the hint and found that it was indeed produced by the German military. It was just a product of the modern technological process which was made old simply before flowing to the market.

Finally, after bargaining for a while, Lee spent 500 dollars to buy the ax that Leng Feng wanted extremely. After the deal was completed, the scene was very embarrassing. Leng Feng held the ax and kept saying that he was almost cheated by a profiteer.

After buying the ax, the two of them had no interest in continuing shopping.

After a short inquiry, they found a storage management company not far away.