Chapter 15 Arouse Jealousy

Hearing this, Jo Walker picked up the bowl on the tray and drank it in one breath.

"Don't..." Elma White had no time to stop Jo Walker.

Jo Walker looked at Lynn Walker with a smug smile and turned down the bowl to indicate that she had finished it.

"Jo, I won't grab that from you. Don't worry..."

Before Lynn Walker finished her words, Elma White took Jo Walker to leave quickly.

Seeing them leaving in a hurry, Lynn Walker's eyes turned cold.

I'll have fun with you this life.


As the night fell, the whole Walker family finally quieted down.

Lynn Walker gently took out a photo taken with her mother when she was a child from the suitcase and tenderly stroked it, with endless thoughts on her face.

"Mom, I'm back. I'm fine now, how are you doing there? This time, I'll make every bad person pay the price they deserve, no exception."

Lynn Walker said through clenched teeth and a frightening smile rose from the corners of her mouth.

Tears were welling up in her eyes, but Lynn Walker didn't want them to fall.

After sitting rigidly for a long time, Lynn Walker breathed a sigh of relief. She put away the photos, went to her desk, and turned on the computer to check the official website of her company.

Yes, Lynn Walker's next plan was to officially enter the company.

Elma white and her daughter had spent a lot of money of the company these years. Jo Walker was a brainless person, while Elma White was the one who firmly controlled her father.

Thinking of that, Lynn Walker clenched her fists tightly and her eyes were as sharp as fire. She seemed to be ready to fight.

On the second morning, Lynn Walker got up early to have breakfast with her father and Elma White, while Jo Walker was still asleep.

Yes, she never got up for breakfast.

Elma White looked at Lynn Walker who was having breakfast quietly. She couldn't see through what Lynn Walker was thinking.

So she tried to sound her intention out and said gently, "Lynn, since you come back, you have come downstairs to have breakfast with us so early every day. It's hard for you to get up so early because you are so young. You can come downstairs later in the future."

Hearing that, Lynn Walker lowered her head and grinned.

She put down the tableware in her hand and said seriously, "It doesn't matter, aunt. I used to go to work without having breakfast in the countryside. At that time, I thought about how happy I would be if I could have a meal with my family. Now that I finally come back, I must seize every opportunity, right, dad?"

Then she served sausage for her father with chopsticks.

Hearing Lynn Walker's words, her father couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

"You should eat more, too." Bernie Walker said lightly.

"Okay, thank you, dad." Lynn Walker replied with a smile, pretending to be innocent.

Her father was an old fuddy-duddy. He minded eating with his young family members, and Lynn Walker surely knew it.

Looking at the eloquent Lynn Walker, Elma White's face was dark.

She didn't succeed yesterday. It seemed that it would be difficult next.

Just then, Jo Walker also got up and sat down casually.

Lynn Walker greeted her naturally, "Good morning, Jo."

When hearing that, Jo Walker didn't care at all. With a disdainful expression on her face, she ravaged the bread in her hand wantonly and took a hard bite.

"I'm going to the company." After saying that, Bernie Walker stood up.

Elma White stood up and skillfully sorted out the clothes and briefcase for Bernie Walker.

After Bernie Walker left, Jo Walker could no longer suppress her aversion for Lynn Walker.

When she was about to say something, Lynn Walker stood up and said, "Auntie, I want to take it around today. I haven't looked around since I come back."

"Ouch, don't you have fun being at Brother Benson's villa for days? Look around? You're a country bumpkin. Why do you want to hang around?" Jo Walker said with a look of arrogance and disgust.

Elma White immediately pretended to stop her, "Jo, don't be so impolite."

Elma White walked up to Lynn Walker and said with a smile, "This is not the place you used to live in. It's very big. You just come back and are conspicuous. I'm worried about you going out alone."

Lynn Walker knew that Elma White wouldn't let her go so easily. "It doesn't matter, auntie. I..."

Before Lynn Walker could finish her words, Elma White had turned to Jo Walker and gave her a hint.

"Just let Jo go with you. You girls like shopping. Jo is very familiar with shopping malls. If you don't understand, you can ask Jo. You two have had conflicts before, so you can take this opportunity to fix your relationship."

Of course, Jo Walker didn't understand what her mother meant. She stood up immediately in disbelief.

"Why, why should I accompany her?"

Then she threw the bread in her hand away.

Elma White immediately walked to Jo Walker, pulled her hand hard, and gave her a strong hint indicating that she would agree to it.

Jo Walker was excited at first, but when she saw Elma White's hint, she seemed to understand something.

She gritted her teeth and said reluctantly, "Okay."

Then she turned around and went back to her room, slamming the door.

With an embarrassed look on her face, Elma White said, "Lynn, you're Jo's sister. Please forgive her. Well, go and dress yourself up."

Hearing that, Lynn Walker smiled and said, "Thank you, auntie. I'm going to dress up."

Lynn Walker knew that Elma White wanted to keep an eye on her, but she had already come up with a solution.

On the way to the mall, Jo Walker was unusually quiet.

Lynn Walker had thought that since the two of them were in the same car, Jo Walker must have thought of a lot of wicked ideas to trick her. But obviously, she didn't. Elma White must have taught her before she went out.

When they arrived at the shopping mall, the clerks immediately recognized Jo Walker because Jo Walker often went to these famous-brand stores.

Hearing the flattering words, Lynn took a look casually.

"I think this must be the eldest daughter of the Walker family. You are really special and elegant. We have just put on several handbags in our shop. Would you like to try them on?" The saleswoman asked.

Noticing that Jo Walker was praised by the saleswoman, Lynn Walker smiled and agreed without hesitation, even if she was not interested at all.

"Okay, show me."

"Okay, please wait a moment." Then the saleswoman handed several bags to Lynn Walker.

Lynn Walker picked up her bag and tried it in front of the mirror.

"Miss. Walker, this bag is very suitable for you. It does not fit everyone. But it fits you when you carry it. Please try the next one."

"This one is also very suitable for you. It fully shows your elegant temperament."


The saleswoman's praise was endless, and the eyes of several men who accompanied their girlfriends to buy bags were all attracted.