Chapter 16 Entering the Company Successfully

At this time, Jo Walker, on the other side, noticed this scene.

She stood up and said angrily, "Pack all the bags in this shop for me. I'll take them all."

Jo Walker didn't want to hear others praise Lynn Walker, especially on such an occasion.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Walker."

"It doesn't matter." Seeing Jo Walker's reaction, Lynn Walker looked proud. She succeeded.

Every time she went into a store, a similar story repeated. Jo Walker was trapped.

Lynn Walker looked at Jo Walker's behavior of sweeping the mall for her vanity. She couldn't spare time on Lynn.

She took the opportunity to get away from Jo Walker.

Jo Walker was immersed in shopping and didn't notice that Lynn Walker had left.

As soon as she walked out of the shopping mall, Lynn Walker took a taxi to Walker Group.

Under the guidance of the secretary, Lynn Walker came to the office of her father.

It was the first time that Lynn Walker had come to the company, and her father was also a little surprised.

"Have a seat." Her father moved from the desk to the sofa and said faintly.

Lynn Walker sat down calmly, and then the secretary served two cups of tea.

"Why do you come to the company today?" asked Bernie Walker.

"I don't come all of a sudden. I have wanted to talk with my father for a long time, but I can't always see you at home, so I don't have the chance to talk with you."

"Dad, I have been back for a while, and I have nothing to do at home every day. I have lived in Brother Benson's house for some time and find that Brother Benson is not a few years older than me, but he has done so well in his field. I think I can't stay at home all the time."

Hearing this, Bernie Walker was smart enough to guess what Lynn Walker meant.

"Go on."

"Although I grew up in the countryside, I have been studying clothing design in college. I like it very much. I also showed my design drawing to Brother Benson. He thought it was very good, so I want to work."

Lynn Walker knew that her father appreciated Benson Brown very much. After all, Benson Brown was a business genius among his peer, so her father would be touched if she took him as an introduction.

As expected, Bernie Walker took a sip of tea and nodded slightly.

A few days ago, some shareholders had mentioned this matter at the general shareholder's meeting of the company. They hoped that Bernie Walker could let Lynn Walker get familiar with the company as soon as possible. After all, it was better to train a successor earlier.

However, in Bernie Walker's opinion, Lynn Walker had just come back and had an inadequate experience of life. More importantly, she was a natural evil star. If she took over the company, would it have any impact on the company? However, to comfort the shareholders, Walkers' father had to make a decision.

Lynn Walker had known that her father would hesitate. At that time, he had believed in Elma White's words and had confirmed her identity as a natural evil star. Regardless of the relationship between him and his daughter, he had sent her to the countryside and turned a blind eye to it.

"Dad, you can arrange a small position for me. I just want to gain experience. Besides, Jo always says that I have nothing to do at home every day, and even my young sister has been working for so long. As her sister, I should be an example. Don't you think so?" Lynn Walker continued.

Looking at the innocent and enthusiastic Lynn Walker, Bernie Walker thought for a while.

"Well, then you can temporarily work as a designer in the branch company and gain experience." said her father.

Bernie deliberately arranged Lynn Walker to a branch company, so that no matter what happened, it wouldn't affect the headquarters and was still under his control.

Lynn Walker was satisfied to hear that her father agreed to her request faster than she had expected.

"Thank you, dad."

After saying that, she hugged her father, with a deep look in her eyes.

Even if it was a branch company, for Lynn Walker, she could see clearly what was going on in the headquarters.

When Lynn Walker was about to enter the house, she heard Jo Walker yelling at her.

She opened the door and walked in, pretending to be sad and pitiful.

As soon as Jo Walker saw Lynn Walker, she immediately ran to Lynn Walker, pointed at Lynn Walker, and scolded, "Well, Lynn Walker, how dare you to leave while I'm not noticing? Tell me, where have you been?"

Elma White also pretended to be nervous and asked, "Well, Lynn, where have you been? Jo has been looking for you for a long time, but she hasn't found you."

Hearing this, Lynn Walker cried sadly.

"I'm sorry, auntie. I don't know. I just see beautiful clothes and want to have a look. When I realize it, I can't find Jo. I'm not familiar with the surroundings, and I can't take a taxi outside the mall, so I come back late."

"Why are you still crying? How do you dare to cry?"

Looking at the tearful Lynn Walker in front of her, Elma White thought that she couldn't ask anything more. She hurriedly comforted Jo Walker, "Well, Lynn has come back. She didn't mean it."

Jo Walker was still angry and approached Lynn Walker and whispered in her ear.

"Lynn Walker, you wait. I know you go to look for Brother Benson secretly. I'll give you a lesson. Humph!" Then she turned around and went upstairs.

Hearing that, Lynn Walker sneered and cursed in her heart, "Sure, she is an idiot. She only knows men."

At dinner, Bernie Walker suddenly announced that Lynn Walker was going to practice in H company.

Elma White and Jo Walker were stunned to hear that.

A moment later, Jo Walker came to her senses and was about to stand up to object, but stopped by Elma White.

Elma White tried her best to put on a smile and said, "That's great. You happen to work in the same company as Jo. If you don't understand anything, you can ask Jo."

"Of course. I just arrived at the company and have a lot of things that I don't understand. At that time, I need Jo to tell me more." Lynn Walker replied, pretending to agree with her.

After dinner, Elma White went to Jo Walker's room.

"Mom, why don't you let me talk? Today dad suddenly announced that he wanted her to work in the company. She is almost on top of me now. How can I bear it?"

Then she threw the pillow on the ground.

"Sit down and calm down. I have expected this day for a long time. Mr. Doris told me a few days ago that the general shareholders' meeting mentioned this matter, so this matter has been settled. It's useless for you to object, and it will make your father angry." said Elma White.

"Then what should I do now? I can't get along with her in the same company anyway." Lynn Walker said through gritted teeth.

"I know. I will never allow a natural evil star to establish a foothold in the Walker family unless I die. The current situation is not as bad as you think. After all, you have been working in the company for a long time, and Lynn Walker has just come. The workplace is not as easy as her countryside."

Elma White and Jo Walker smiled knowingly.