Chapter 17 Discover the Project Opportunity

On Monday morning, Jo Walker came to the company to find the director.

"Director Rachel, my elder sister will have practice in your department today. Be careful." Jo Walker said deliberately.

Hearing this, Director Rachel said seriously, "In my place, no matter who you are, you must be treated equally and speak with your ability."

"I'm reminding you that if you offend the daughter of the chairman, my elder sister, you won't get away with it." Jo Walker said grimly.

Hearing this, Director Rachel sneered, "I can get today's position only depending on my ability and performance. My subordinates also should comply with this standard. Whatever background and identity do not have any privileges here. Assistance Walker, take care."

Jo Walker knew that Director Rachel was a right-hand man who worked for her father. He never sought private interests and was serious, and there was no exception even on her. So she came here in advance especially to remind Director Rachel.

Jo Walker met Lynn Walker when she was going to leave.

At this time, Lynn Walker looked at Jo Walker with a serious and disdainful expression, completely different from the docile look at home.

Jo Walker felt very uncomfortable when she saw that. She snorted and hurried away.

"Nice to meet you, Director Rachel. I'm Lynn Walker, a new intern coming today," said Lynn Walker.

"Well, I've read your resume and known something about you. I can't give you any job since you come to our department. Now you can temporarily familiarize yourself with the work process, but on the premise that you won't affect our normal work."

"Yes, sir." Lynn Walker replied briskly, like an intern.

Lynn Walker was sitting in front of the computer to learn about the company's situation. Suddenly she heard a sound of rebuke from the director's office. It seemed that there was something wrong with the plan.

Mary, who had been reprimanded, walked out of the office in low spirits, looking at the plan in her hand with a sad face.

Lynn Walker walked quietly to Mary and asked, "What's wrong, Mary?"

Mary was an honest person.

"What should I do? I will give it to my client at three o'clock this afternoon, but..." Mary was so anxious that she almost cried.

"Let me have a look, okay?"

After saying that, Mary didn't have time to think too much and handed it to Lynn Walker.

Lynn Walker looked through it and said confidently, "Well, I can have a try."

"Ah, you!"

"Don't, don't be so loud."

"Okay." Mary thought for a while. Anyway, she was doomed to die now. She had to make every possible effort.

So she chose to trust Lynn Walker.

After a while, Lynn Walker reorganized the plan.

After she gave it to Mary, the plan passed as expected.

In the following period, Lynn Walker relied on Mary to quickly master the company's situation, and she also won several cases. Soon, she went to the headquarters on behalf of the branch company to attend the meeting.

"Do you have any idea about the development of the new project?" asked Bernie Walker.

"Recently, the cheongsam style is very popular in the market, and it is gradually favored by many people, gradually forming a trend. Our Walker Group happens to have the conditions of making such kind of clothes, so our design department has cooperated with the project department and submitted a detailed plan."

"Wait a minute. The market proposal on cheongsam is very good. You can think about it in this direction and put forward more construction opinions. Propose some design plan with market potentials and design new-fashion clothes. The market is very imperceptible due to the lack of time. This is the most important thing at present, for the image of the Walker Group and its market share in the future. It's important." Bernie Walker said seriously.

Lynn Walker was thoughtful when she heard it, and seemed to have come up with some ideas.

Jo Walker also wanted to seize this opportunity.

As soon as the meeting was over, Jo Walker couldn't wait to run to Bernie Walker's office.

Lynn Walker also saw it. She smiled and returned to the company after thinking for a while.


"Father, I think I can be in charge of this project. You know, I have always been very sensitive to clothing aesthetics. And I have been working in H company for so long. This is a good opportunity. I want to have a try. Don't worry, I will try my best." Jo Walker said sincerely.

"Jo, this project is not as simple as you think. The process is very complicated, from materials and design to production line and market, and it requires tens of millions of investment. Do you think you can lead this project?" Asked Bernie Walker.

"Dad, I think I should be qualified for this job." Jo Walker answered immediately without thinking.

"Well, you are too naive. This project involves the cooperation of all departments, and the company needs to invest a lot of human resources, material resources, and financial resources. With your qualifications, it is far from enough." Bernie Walker said seriously.

"Dad." No matter what Jo Walker said, she couldn't persuade her father.

Bernie Walker always valued money as his life. How could he hand such a big project to Jo Walker?

Finally, Jo Walker stormed out of the office.

Bernie Walker sighed and shook his head helplessly.

Jo Walker went back to her office and couldn't be calm at all.

"It's not a big deal. Why can't I do it? I must seize this opportunity. I can't let that bitch Lynn Walker be on top of me."

Lynn Walker had been thinking about this project all the time at the station. At this time, Mary came over.

"Miss. Walker, Miss. Walker."

It was not until May called her several times that Lynn Walker heard her.

"What's wrong?"

"What are you thinking about? You are so absorbed in your thought that you can't even hear me call you." May asked.

"It's Okay. By the way, I don't want you to call me Miss. Walker. You can just call me Lynn. I'm just a colleague in the company and have no special identity. Remember?" said Lynn Walker.

"Okay, I see."

After saying that, Lynn Walker suddenly noticed that Mary was wearing a cheongsam today.

She kept staring at Mary's cheongsam, which made Mary feel embarrassed. "Why do you keep staring at me, Lynn?"

"Oh, Mary, the cheongsam you are wearing today looks good." Lynn Walker praised.

"Yes, nowadays many people are wearing it, so I also bought one," Mary said happily.

Lynn Walker turned on the computer, looked through all the popular cheongsam styles this year in detail, and sorted out the materials.

It was already dark when the meeting was over. Lynn Walker walked out of the company tiredly.

When she was about to take a taxi back, she saw a man in a black suit with a tall figure, dashing eyebrows, and starry eyes standing in front of a Rolls-Royce.

Why was he here?

Then, without thinking too much, Lynn Walker walked to Benson Brown in disbelief. "Brother Benson, why are you here?"

Lynn Walker said innocently.