Chapter 24 Got the Patent

As soon as Lynn Walker saw Brown Benson sitting there, she knew that these people were all arranged by him.

Sure enough, the CEO was still the CEO.

Such a smart and capable person accompanying her was not bad.

As soon as Lynn Walker sat down, Benson Brown brought the tea to her.

She took it and sipped. Then she said word by word, "It was Brother Benson who arranged it so that we can take back chrysanthemums before the typhoon."

"Lynn, I have something urgent in the company to deal with, so I have to go back before the typhoon comes. I will leave my assistant to go with you. If you have anything, call me."

Benson Brown looked up at Lynn Walker and said.

Lynn Walker stopped smiling immediately, pretending to be nervous and worried.

"In that case, then..."

Benson Brown saw Lynn walker at a loss, thinking that she was unfamiliar with the place. He worried about her.

"Don't worry. I will ask my assistant to go with you. If you have any requirements, tell him." Benson Brown said, holding Lynn Walker's shoulder.

Lynn Walker guessed that there must be something urgent. "Forget it. I can't play well here anyway," she thought.

"Okay. Take care, Brother Benson." Lynn Walker said.

Benson Brown nodded with a smile. Then he told his assistant and said goodbye to Professor Clark.

Professor Clark saw that Lynn Walker had a good performance and was sincere.

So he asked, "Do you buy my patent for taking profits?"

While Benson Brown was not there, Lynn Walker immediately responded.

"Professor Clark, I can't promise that I bought your patent not for making money, but there were also moral principles of making money."

"Oh, then tell me what morality is." Professor Clark sat aside and listened.

"I didn't know much about embroidery and your medicinal materials before, but after a period of learning, I understood a lot. As you said before, these embroidery techniques are the inheritance left by our ancestors, so we shouldn't abandon them at any time."

Professor Clark nodded and looked at Lynn Walker with appreciation.

Lynn Walker saw Professor Clark's approval and continued, "So you can relax that we will continue to design the most perfect clothes by the traditional way so that more people will feel the traditional cultural art of goose feather embroidery."

"But a businessman always values profits more than promises. How can I trust you?" Professor Clark thought for a moment and asked.

Hearing that, Lynn Walker grinned and felt relieved. She had convinced Professor Clark.

"Professor Clark, if you don't believe us, we can hire you as our technical director to supervise our design work. If we have any problem or break the contract, you can cancel our cooperation at any time. We will also take 5% of the profits for charity."

Hearing this, Professor Clark took a breath and clenched the teacup.

"My master developed the goose feather embroidery technique when he was alive. After that, it took me another ten years to make the finished product. So it is very important to me."

"Professor Clark, don't worry. We will live up to your expectation and let more people wear clothes with goose feather embroidery."

"Well, I also believe that you will live up to my expectation." Professor Clark looked up at Lynn Walker for a while and made up his mind.

Lynn Walker had suffered so much in the previous life that no one could compare with her in the so-called mutual affection.

Professor Clark was a man of temperament and hated pure interests. Thus, every word Lynn Walker said was sincere and put himself in a position.

This was the reason that he was moved.

After that, Lynn Walker went back to the company.

Since Jo Walker had promised Elma White, she had to go to the mountain again.

As soon as she arrived, she forced a smile and bowed, "Professor Clark, I was too impulsive last time. I came here to apologize to you."

Then Jo Walker took out a bank card from her bag and handed it to Professor Clark.

"This is our gift. Five million for your technique. Is that enough?"

In her eyes, a man owning such a shabby resort must have never seen what five million looked like.

Professor Clark didn't even look at it. He sneered, "You can leave now. I have given this patent to the person who should get it."

Jo Walker was astonished immediately. She almost broke the bank card in her hand.

"You gave it to someone else? It doesn't matter. How much money did they give you? I can give you double, or three times. What do you think?"

"You'd better leave now. Professor Clark threw the fan to the ground and turned into the room.

The door slammed shut.

Seeing this, Jo Walker's face turned livid. She didn't expect that he would refuse her again.

She kicked the door and cursed, "The damn typhoon made me late. Why did this old man agree to sell it? If anyone dares to grab it from me, I will let him pay for it."

Then she left.

On the way back, Lynn Walker looked at the mountain view, which was quite like the village where she had lived for so many years.

Every grass and tree there reminded her to grow up and become strong. She would grow into a towering tree, which would make those rats and ants unattainable.

"Hello, what? Call the doctor as soon as possible. I'll be right there!"

Lynn Walker heard Benson Brown's assistant answer a phone.

There was a very urgent voice on the other end of the phone. From the rear-view mirror, she could see the assistant's flustered expression, and he also mentioned the doctor. Benson Brown has a relapse again.

Lynn Walker asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with Brother Benson?"

Hearing this, the assistant changed the topic. "It's okay. We are about to arrive at your home. I'll drive you back first."

Seeing that the assistant keep from talking about it, Lynn Walker confirmed her conjecture.

But why did he have a relapse? Was that the reason that why he left now?

When she got home, Lynn Walker took out another cell phone and opened the software. As expected, she received a message again. It seemed that he was very serious.

But last time, she had already prescribed him some medicine. It would take effect in a month. But he had a relapse in a short time.

Something was wrong. She had to go there.

As a ghost doctor, she was curious about strange diseases,

When Lynn Walker went upstairs, she found that Jo Walker and Elma White were not at home. It was the right time for her to go out.

She made up and replied.

"See you at the same place at eight o'clock."