Chapter 25 Dressed up as Ghost Doctor Again

In the East Building.

Lynn Walker calmed down and walked into the same room as last time.

Assistant Liu, who was standing at the door, immediately recognized her and said, "Doctor, please."

"Okay." Lynn Walker was stunned and then replied.

This time, he was much more respectful than last time. He didn't talk too much nonsense and invited her in.

When Lynn Walker opened the door, there was only Benson Brown in the room. She guessed that it must be Benson Brown's arrangement.

Yet, Lynn Walker frowned when she entered the room.

Benson Brown, who was sitting on the sofa, looking even worse than she had seen last time. She hadn't seen him one day, but he seemed to have changed into another person. His eyes were sunken, dull, and glassy, and he coughed from time to time.

"You come so soon this time. We were supposed to meet a month later, but I didn't expect to meet you so soon."

Benson Brown said in a weak and trembling voice and forced a smile.

Lynn Walker didn't want to joke with him at all. She sat down and said, "I will feel your pulse."

Benson Brown stretched out his arm and continued to look at Lynn Walker.

As soon as Lynn Walker touched Benson Brown's pulse, she immediately felt that his pulse filled with a chill, which made the blood flow difficult. The poison piled up again and could not disperse. Why did it become like this?

"Why is there a chill in your body? What have you done recently? Have you taken the medicine I prescribed on time?" Lynn Walker asked.

"Of course, I have been taking it according to the requirements of you, the ghost doctor." Benson Brown kept staring at Lynn Walker.

"Have you gone to any place with heavy cold air? You should know that your body is not suitable for places with heavy cold air. You..."

A picture lingered on Lynn Walker.

Yes, Benson Brown had accompanied her to Professor Clark's house these days. It was a remote mountain, and to wait for Clark, she had stayed up all night outside. At that time, Benson Brown had been with her.

Lynn Walker withdrew her hand from Benson Brown's arm and looked at Benson Brown.

He had been poisoning for ten years. He knew that he couldn't suffer from cold, and he dared to do so.

Benson Brown hadn't heard any response from Lynn Walker for a long time. Judging from Lynn Walker's reaction, Benson Brown thought he might be endangered this time.

He frowned and approached Lynn Walker.

"What? This time, even the ghost doctor can't deal with it?"

"Since you fetch me, you should know my capability." Hearing that, Lynn Walker smiled. "It's cold air. If it were someone else, you might not be able to survive for a few days. But you are not qualified to die."

After saying that, Lynn Walker immediately took out the silver needle. Her fingers were slender and white, in contrast to her sallow face and features.

She came out in a hurry and didn't have time to be so careful.

Lynn Walker stood up and put the needle on the important part of Benson Brown's body.

After a while, Benson Brown felt a stream of hot air flowing from his heart to his limb, and cold sweat came out on his forehead.

Lynn Walker wiped the sweat off, with her chin against Benson Brown's forehead.

The distance was very close.

Benson Brown looked up. This strange woman somehow gave him a familiar feeling.

The dangerous distance made Benson Brown more curious.

Benson Brown grabbed Lynn Walker's right hand, which startled Lynn Walker.

Lynn Walker looked down, Benson Brown's eyes became deep and charming. His nose was high, and sweat on his face made him sexier.

Lynn Walker got rid of him and took a few steps back. "Mr. Brown, what are you doing? Let me go."

"I'm sorry that the ghost doctor looks like one of my friends."

Benson Brown let her go and kept calm.

Lynn Walker's heart skipped a beat. He recovered too fast. He had looked like he was dying, but now he could grab her hand when feeling a little better.

"I'm an ordinary-looking woman. How can I be like someone Mr. Brown knows? Well, I've already forced out most of the cold air in your body, but the treatment still needs to match the medicine. But I warn you, if such an accident happens again, I can't guarantee anything."

"And you suspected my identity last time, and this time you've gone too far. If you want to live well, don't do such meaningless things." Lynn Walker warned.

Benson Brown was not afraid of such a warning. He felt interesting.

"It's my fault. I've already touched the ghost doctor two times. Last time, I promised you. This time, you come in person. You can still make a need."

Lynn Walker meant to leave as soon as possible, but she didn't expect that Benson Brown would be intractable.

She replied, "It happens unexpectedly. I haven't decided yet. I will tell you when I make up."

"Okay, then I'm looking forward to our next meeting."

She felt that he had tricked her when hearing his expectant tone. She packed up her things and left.

Lynn Walker took off her "equipment" and sighed when coming back.

Benson Brown was intractable. If she was not careful enough, she might fall into his trap. If he were useless, she would have already abandoned him.

It was more tiring to deal with him than to deal with three Jo Walkers.

Lynn Walker packed up and turned on the computer to check the details of the contract.

"Open the door! Lynn Walker, come out! I know you are inside!"

Jo Walker knocked on the door of Lynn Walker's bedroom and kicked it hard.

Lynn Walker closed the computer and opened the door. "Don't knock on my door so hard. I'm here. What's wrong?"

"Come out!" Jo Walker pulled Lynn Walker out.

Lynn Walker almost lost her balance. She tried her best to control her emotions and gritted her teeth. "Young sister, what's wrong?"

"Is that you, Lynn Walker? You bought the patent of Professor Clark. I can't think of another person. It must be you!" Jo Walker blamed her.

Only the two of them participated in this matter. Except for her, Jo Walker couldn't think of a second person.

Lynn Walker knew that Elma White had gone out with Bernie Walker. She had solved the patent and workshop issues. She would put up the proposal at the meeting tomorrow, so it wasn't necessary to conceal it.

"Yes, it's me. You guessed it." Lynn Walker looked at Jo Walker.

"I know it is you. I haven't seen you in the company these days. I didn't expect you to steal others' things in private!" Jo Walker's face turned red with anger.

Hearing this, Lynn Walker stared at Jo Walker and burst into laughter.