Chapter 29 Set a Trap

The Walker family.

As soon as Jo Walker went downstairs, she saw Elma White watching TV on the sofa.

"Mom, why are you still sitting here reading magazines? I'm so worried. Lynn Walker is about to take away my project." Jo Walker asked anxiously.

" You can never keep calm. Lynn Walker is an intern. Don't worry. She won't take away the project so easily."

Elma White watched TV and showed a strange smile.

"Mom, do you have any ideas?" Jo Walker walked up to Elma White and asked.

Elma White whispered in Jo Walker's ear.

"Mom, you're awesome. Let me see Lynn Walker use rags to embroider her goose feather."

Then, Jo Walker seemed to have succeeded.

"Well, I've found the best domestic designer, and I've also found the dyed cloth. You can prepare for the next trial meeting."

"Put Benson Brown aside first. After all, he is yours. No one can take him away. The top priority is to get the project, understand?" Elma White tried her best to persuade Jo Walker.

"I know, mom. Don't worry. Mom always treats me best."

Elma White glanced at Jo Walker and watched TV. "Just wait. Things have begun."

Jo Walker kissed Elma White happily and took a look at Lynn Walker's room.

Lynn Walker, you just wait to leave.

Lynn Walker and Benson Brown especially came to Lisa's factory to ask the workers about Mike for investigating the situation.

"Director Mike is a nice person. I've never heard anyone fight with him."

"He's married and has a son. He always speaks highly of his son."

"Director Mike seems to be quiet these days. He left in a hurry as soon as he got off work. I haven't met him since yesterday. Maybe he has something to deal with at home."

Lynn Walker and Benson Brown asked about it and found that Mike had been quite strange recently. They sent someone to investigate his address and found that he had moved.

Lynn Walker guessed that someone must have transferred Mike on purpose.

Mike had been working in this workshop for more than 20 years. If it weren't for some special reason, how could he give up such long-term work?

Benson Brown stepped over and touched the dyed cloth hanging on the shelf.

"Is this dyed by Mike?"

"Yes, this is the last batch of cloth that director Mike dyed before he left." The worker replied.

"Mr. Lin, send this batch of cloth to me right now."

Lynn Walker was confused by Benson Brown's sudden move.

"Brother Benson, this cloth can't solve the problem in the future."

Benson Brown raised his eyes and smiled, "Yes, it's indeed not enough. But now Mike has disappeared, and no one knows where he is. This is the last batch of dyed cloth. The most important thing for us is to show the sample to the directors."

Lynn Walker heard that and had guessed something. She looked up at Benson Brown.

Benson Brown continued, "If someone also takes out the same dyed cloth as us, it means that Mike is in their hands. So they are in a dilemma, whether to take it or not."

Benson Brown narrowed his eyes and looked determined.

No wonder he was a business giant. He could turn the disadvantage into a trap for others in minutes.

At this time, Mr. Lin, who was standing aside, said, "Miss. Walker, it seems that your competitor is not a good person. You should know that Mike has been working there for more than 20 years. It's not easy to bribe him. You must be careful."

Mr.Lin was not in a hurry at all. Instead, he just watched the show.

"Yes, I just don't know that Mr. Lin's people are so easy to disappear."

Lynn Walker's words made Mr. Lin feel a little cold.

Benson Brown noticed Lynn Walker's change and felt a sense of familiarity.

The atmosphere suddenly froze. Mr. Lin promised, "But don't worry, Mr. Brown. I will solve the problem caused by me."

Benson Brown nodded thoughtfully and looked at Lynn Walker. "Then I'll drive you back first."

"Okay." Lynn Walker returned to her usual smile.

It would be good for her to go back. She just had a chance to investigate.

When they returned to the company, Lynn Walker had just taken her seat.

Jo Walker looked complacent. "I didn't expect you to be so cruel to hurt yourself."

"I don't understand what you are talking about."

Lynn Walker didn't want to talk to her.

"Don't play dumb with me. It's just that you got the goose feather embroidery. Without it, I can still win. I'm so lucky to have God's favor. Just wait to lose." Jo Walker said confidently.

"Well, you can still get the favor of God. I don't want to talk nonsense with you."

After saying that, Lynn Walker rolled her eyes.

"Lynn Walker, I will win you." Jo Walker retorted.

She didn't find any anxiety on Lynn Walker's face.

How could she be so calm?

Did she find another way?

"Lynn Walker, you are so lucky. You didn't hurt after falling from such a height." Jo Walker couldn't see through Lynn Walker, but the project was imminent. She wanted to know the progress of Lynn Walker.

Hearing Jo Walker's unkind words, Lynn Walker didn't want to talk to her at all. She just hoped that Jo Walker could leave as soon as possible and not affect her investigation.

However, Jo Walker walked to Lynn Walker and sat down on a chair casually.

She noticed all people around had left and deliberately coughed and said, "Lynn Walker, I'm talking to you."

"I heard it. Thank you for your praise. Maybe this is the blessing of God, so I'm fine." Lynn Walker said with a smile on purpose.

"You!" Jo Walker stood up at once with a livid face.

Lynn Walker was so shameless that she said she was praising her. She was unreasonable.

"Well, I don't want to argue with you about the past."

Lynn Walker heard that and her body stiffened, and a flash of hatred flashed through her eyes.

What happened in the past? These five striking words coming out of Jo Walker's mouth, unexpectedly, were so irrelevant and unimportant.

Jo Walker could feel the anger in Lynn Walker's eyes.

"What? Didn't you set me up? I haven't settled accounts with you yet. Why are you looking at me like that?"

Lynn Walker held back her emotions and said, "Then tell me, what's the matter with me?"

There was no past in this life.

Since it happened, she should solve it properly. Otherwise, she would suffer a loss.