Chapter 30 Did He Have a Secret

"It's okay. I just saw that you went to work as soon as you left the hospital. You compete with me for this project and don't work in the company every day. What's wrong? Are you ready to take over me by surprise in front of dad?"

Jo Walker tried to sound out Lynn Walker's intention. It was ridiculous.

It seemed that she really couldn't wait. In that case

"Otherwise, Do you think that I take risk of my life to play with you? The sample meeting will begin soon and I'm sure to win you."

Jo Walker's face turned unnatural.

Sure enough, she had a plan.

"Wait and see. Don't be so confident. We don't know who will win!"

Jo Walker pointed at Lynn Walker with a guilty look.

"I'm waiting, young sister. Don't worry."

"Okay, I also want to see the result." Then Jo Walker turned around and left.

Looking at the back of Jo Walker who left arrogantly, Lynn Walker smiled. She would like to see whether Jo Walker could use Mike's dyed cloth.

At this time, the phone on the table rang.

Lynn Walker picked up the phone and answered it.

"Boss, you finally got the news." An exclamation came from the other end of the phone.

Lynn Walker quickly put away her phone and frowned. "Can you lower your voice? I'm not deaf. I can hear you."

"Okay, okay. By the way, boss, where are you now? Why do you disappear all of a sudden..."

Before the man on the other end of the phone could finish, Lynn Walker ordered, "You check Mike for me as soon as possible."

"Who? Mike? You call me not for missing me." Upon hearing this, Fourteen felt like a deflated ball and said in an aggrieved tone.

"Hurry up. If you find it, I'll reward you."

Lynn Walker thought for a while and realized that she hadn't contacted them since coming back.

And she was worried about Fourteen most.

When she first met him, he was fourteen years old and in poor health. His parents died a long time ago. For all these years, it was Lynn Walker who had taught him personally, taught his medical skills and hacker techniques. But now, as soon as he opened his mouth, Lynn Walker wanted to block his mouth.

"Ah, what reward?"

Hearing the reward, Fourteen immediately got excited.

"I'll tell you when I find him out."

Lynn Walker was afraid that he would be endless and quickly hung up the phone. Then she deleted the information on her phone.

As soon as she put down her phone and was about to continue working, her phone rang again.

Lynn Walker subconsciously thought it was Fourteen. "Don't ask. I don't know."

"What don't you know?"

Hearing the familiar low voice of the man, Lynn Walker quickly changed the voice, "Nothing, Brother Benson, what's up?"

Hearing this, Benson Brown paused. He had already gone home. Because Lynn Walker hadn't come back yet, he had to come to the company.

When he saw that the light in Lynn Walker's office was still on, he knew that she was working overtime again.

"It's time to get off work. Come down. The driver is downstairs."

Downstairs? Oh my God! This man was so nice to her!

Did he only take her as his sister?

It seemed that she had to investigate him carefully.

"Okay, I'll be right downstairs."

After packing up, Lynn Walker went downstairs and saw a new black Rolls-Royce parking at the gate of the company.

She walked closer and looked at it carefully.

Oh my God, this was what she has always wanted to buy. Benson Brown was a real big shot.

When she was sighing, the window was rolled down slowly and Benson Brown's face appeared in front of Lynn Walker.

"Get in the car."

"Ah!" Seeing that Benson Brown was also here, Lynn Walker was stunned for a while. Then she realized what had happened and said, "Brother Benson, you are here too."

Seeing that Benson Brown didn't respond, Lynn Walker stepped forward, opened the door, and got in the car.

As soon as they arrived at the villa.

"Lynn..." Benson Brown looked up at Lynn Walker, who had fallen asleep leaning against the window.

The yellow streetlight shone into the car. Lynn Walker's delicate face looked especially beautiful, pure and beautiful.

To be honest, this was the first time that Benson Brown had looked at Lynn Walker's face carefully after she grew up.

All of a sudden, Lynn Walker moaned.

Benson Brown came to his senses, turned around, and signaled the driver to leave.

Then he gently lifted Lynn Walker, whose head against his chest.

On their way back to the room, Benson Brown was afraid that Lynn Walker would wake up, so he gingerly put her on the bed.

As soon as he tucked her in, she kicked away the quiet.

She murmured, "Brother Benson, you are so kind to me..."

Benson Brown tucked her in again, turned around, and left.

What he didn't know was that Lynn Walker had already woken up. In her previous life, she didn't have much contact with Benson Brown. She only knew that Jo Walker had always admired him. Why was he so good to her?

She took out the hidden notebook again and operated it.

After a while, Lynn Walker sighed. No matter how hard she tried to find the information about Benson Brown on the Internet, there was only limited information. There was nothing else, not even a scandal.

Did he have a secret?

Thinking of this, Lynn Walker gave up. She turned off the computer and fell again.

After leaving the room, Benson Brown went to the study.

"What did you find out?"

Benson Brown held the phone and leaned against the leather seat, his eyes cold and indifferent.

Seeing this, Assistant Liu quickly reported, "A sum of money suddenly appeared in Mike's account before, but the origin of this money is not clear, and we are also investigating."

"It means that the person behind this is interesting, but he is not smart enough." Benson Brown's voice sounded hoarse and a little dissatisfied.

"What's more, Mike's family. We have checked his relatives around him. When we talk about them, they always say something unpleasant. In addition, they ask Mike's family to pay the money back."

When Assistant Liu thought back, he still had a lingering fear. Those people didn't care about family affection.

"Okay, I see. You go and check Elma White and Jo Walker."

After saying that, Benson Brown hung up the phone, stood up, and slowly walked to the window. Looking at the stars outside, he thought of Lynn Walker who was sleeping soundly and obediently.

Only the mother and her daughter of the Walker family could be against her.

The next morning, Lynn Walker went downstairs and didn't meet Benson Brown.

She didn't care and hurried to the company.

The whole morning was not very smooth, because her design concept was still in conflict with Professor Clark's goose feather embroidery.

The clothes worn by the model aside made her feel dissatisfied.

Not only Professor Clark, but she also couldn't get through here.

"What's the problem?"