Chapter 31 Inspired

Lynn Walker held the draft in her hand and kept revising it, but she was still at a loss.

Another man walked out of the fitting room after trying on the clothes. He noticed Lynn Walker who was looking at the model.

He walked up to her and greeted, "Hello, are you today's designer?"

When Lynn Walker was racking her brains, she saw a pair of slender and bony hands stretched out in front of her. The ring was so suitable for him.

She saw the man in front of her was slender, and his face was as delicate as a girl's. A simple white shirt set off his temperament of a star.

"Who... who are you?" Lynn Walker was stunned and looked up.

"My name is Beck William." The excellent man was smiling at her.

Mary hurried over and looked at him with an anthomaniac look while explaining to Lynn Walker.

"Lynn, this is a professional model our company has invited. He is Beck William. He is very popular recently."

"No, no, no." Beck William's smile became more charming. His two dimples made his handsome face more lovely.

Lynn Walker was calm. She neither pay much attention to the showbiz nor heard of him.

"Hello, I'm today's designer, Lynn Walker."

"I like your design style very much. I've been a model for so long, and it's the first time I've met my favorite design style."

As he spoke, Beck William sat down.

Lynn Walker was at a loss for his praise. "Really? Thank you for your appreciation."

After replying to a few words, Lynn Walker continued to read the drawing.

Seeing Lynn Walker's reaction, Beck William felt very fresh. Every time before he made an announcement, these designers were eager to stick to him and ask for his opinion.

He didn't expect that things didn't go on today. Besides, Lynn Walker didn't wear any makeup, and she was still able to defeat everyone present.

Lynn Walker saw Beck Wailiam pick up a draft and looked up at him again."Mr. William, are you also interested in design?"

"A little. I get in touch with it because of work. But Miss.Walker, you seem to have encountered some problems. You have been staring at the design drawing. Just now, you were also dissatisfied with it."

Lynn Walker didn't expect that Beck William would answer her question.

"You're right. I'm not satisfied with it, but I don't know what's wrong with it." Lynn Walker sighed.

Beck William smile, "I know."

"You know? Then tell me, what's wrong?" Lynn Walker put down the design drawing and looked at the man in front of her.

Beck William shared his years of working experience and told his thoughts.

His words intrigued Lynn Walker.

"Now how can we find inspiration?"

Before Lynn Walker could react, Beck William and pulled Lynn Walker to run out.

"Then you have to go to a place with me."

What? Where were they going?

Lynn Walker was confused. Not long ago, she was pulled into the car by a strange man.

"Where are you going?" Lynn Walker fastened her seat belt and asked.

"Don't worry. We'll be here soon." Beck William said.

Lynn Walker had no aversion to Beck William's behavior. She looked at the boy, who seemed not to be older than her with a sunny and innocent look on his face. He was the best age to do whatever he wanted.

She was the same as him before, but Elma White and her daughter tricked her.

Half an hour later, Beck William took her to a bridge.

It seemed that the bridge was very old. There were some small peddlers and shops on both ends of the bridge, which looked very quiet.

"Well, this is the place I'm going to take you. What do you think?"

Lynn Walker looked at the view in front of her and felt familiar.

She turned around and asked, "What's this?"

This place was not far from the company, but the decoration atmosphere here was completely different from that of there. Lynn Walker had never found such a place in the urban area.

"Look, there's a shop over there. It's the biggest one. See?" Said Beck William, pointing ahead, after taking a few steps forward.

Lynn Walker looked in the direction he pointed and found that it was a small clothing shop and the largest one in this street.

"My first job is to be a model for this shop."

Lynn Walker was confused to hear that. It seemed that this shop didn't need to hire models to show clothes at all.

Beck William noticed the confusion in Lynn Walker's eyes and said, "I worked here before, and the owner of this shop found that I had a good figure, so he suddenly wanted me to wear his clothes and show them at the door. He said that he could give me an extra salary, which made me very happy, so I agreed."

Lynn Walker understood. It turned out that this was the "model" he referred to.

"Then I came here by chance. I often come here."

Lynn Walker noticed the tiredness in Beck William's eyes on his smiling face.

"So, after I see your clothes, I want to take you here."

Lynn Walker stood there for a long time and thought.

Beck William saw she was thinking and didn't say anything but looked at Lynn Walker.

"Ah, I know, I know!" All of a sudden, an idea came to Lynn Walker's mind. She couldn't wait to run to the car. "Hurry up. I want to go back to the company. Send me back."

Beck William looked at the cute Lynn Walker, a faint smile flashing across his eyes.

When they arrived at the company, Lynn Walker got out of the car and remembered that she hadn't appreciated him.

"Thank you so much today, William..."

"Beck William, remember me. Wish you happiness."

Then Beck William drove away.

Lynn Walker watched the car leave. Benson Brown walked out of the company. "Why are you here, Lynn?"

"Oh, Brother Benson, you are here." Lynn Walker came back to her senses with a smile on her face.

If other men saw her, they would have already fallen into Lynn Walker's eyes.

But Benson Brown didn't feel it.

Benson Brown asked in a low voice with a cold face, "Who was that man ?"

He came to pick up Lynn Walker but didn't find her. When he worried, he saw Lynn Walker get off a sports car.

"No, just an interesting person. Well, Brother Benson, I have to go upstairs and draw the drawing as soon as possible. I know what the problem is." Lynn Walker had passed him and went upstairs before getting Benso Brown's response.

Benson Brown looked at the sports car driving away and thought.