Chapter 32 Held a Samp Meeting

The test meeting was held as scheduled. Bernie Walker and several directors also attended it in the afternoon.

"How's it going, Lynn? Do you feel better?" Elma White greeted Lynn Walker.

"Thank you, auntie. I'm fine now."

"Thanks to Benson for taking care of you. Benson, you must stay for dinner after the meeting."

"Okay." Benson Brown didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Since Elma White scolded her, Jo Walker had stayed up for nights. She went out again last night.

She was in a bad mood and had a headache.

But when she saw Benson Brown in front of her, she immediately cheered up and walked over.

"Brother Benson, you're here too. Are you here to see my work? Sit down. I've reserved a seat for you."

Then she put her hand on Benson Brown's arm.

Benson Brown had already dodged and kept a distance between them before she touched him.

"I can sit over there."

Then he walked away.

Jo Walker felt helpless and turned to look at Lynn Walker, saying, "I'd see how you can defeat me today. And Brother Benson is mine."

Seeing her arrogant look, Lynn Walker wanted to slap her and wake her up.

Elma White knew that Jo Walker had drunk yesterday. She took Jo Walker backstage when Bernie Walker was chatting with others.

"Come here!"

"What's wrong with you? Look at you. I couldn't find you yesterday for today's trial meeting. Those people made the sample hurriedly last night. What do you want to do?"

Elma White lowered her voice, but she still couldn't control her anger.

"Mom, I couldn't control myself yesterday. It's okay. I'm fine. The clothes have been made. No problem. I've memorized the draft. Don't worry. There won't be any problem."

"You'd better not. Go and clean your face."

Elma White walked away and went out to continue wearing her smiling mask.

Lynn Walker went backstage to make the final adjustment for the models after greeting the directors.

As soon as Lynn Walker entered, she saw Beck William, who was wearing her clothes, waving to her.

Lynn Walker walked over and saw that the clothes she designed were very suitable for Beck William.

"It's very beautiful." Lynn Walker said with a smile.

"Of course, I'm Beck William."

Lynn Walker couldn't help laughing at him.

"You look so beautiful when you smile. The clothes you wear today are also very beautiful." Beck William said.

"Thank you. And thank you for taking me to that place before." Lynn Walker said.

"That's it? I did you a big favor. You say thanks?"

Lynn Walker had expected that Beck William was not simple. She had prepared for him.

"Of course not. I've already sent several invitations to your company. They are all very influential in your model circle. I recommended you as my reward."

After saying that, Lynn Walker was about to leave.

Beck William immediately grabbed Lynn Walker's arm and said, "I haven't agreed yet. Wow, you deserve to be Miss. Walker. You are so generous, but I'm not interested in what you have given me and don't agree on it."

Lynn Walker heaved a long sigh. She was trapped by this boy and felt helpless.

"Then tell me, how should I reward you?"

"Well, you invite me to dinner three times, or I can invite you ."

It turned out that he was waiting for her here. It was not a big deal to have dinner, so she promised him.

Besides, he didn't have any shrewdness. He must have had an interest for a while. He would feel dull in a few days.

"Okay, but I'll decide the time." Lynn Walker said as a sister, pointing at Beck William.

Hearing Lynn Walker's promise, Beck William couldn't restrain his excitement. "Okay, it's a deal."

Lynn Walker shook her head .

The selection meeting began. Lynn Walker and Jo Walker came to the stage. The directors and senior designers were looking forward to their works.

Jo Walker couldn't wait to pick up the microphone and begin to introduce.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Jo Walker. Next, please welcome my model!" Jo Walker was in high spirits, and Elma White was full of confidence.

As soon as the model came out, Lynn Walker confirmed that the dyed cloth used by Jo Walker was Mike's.

"Nowadays, the cheongsam style is very popular in the clothing market, so as the leader of this industry, our Walker group naturally has to follow fashion."

"Nowadays most women are independent, so they hope to have the Queen's temperament, and the cheongsam can show this image."

"So I used gold threads to finish the dragon design. The sleeveless design reflects the beauty of the cheongsam and the unique temperament of women."

Then the crowd applauded.

"This gold thread is very ingenious. It is like a piece of art."

"You are right."


Most of the designers who praised her were on good terms with Elma White.

Bernie Walker had no expression. He nodded reluctantly after Elma White asked him.

Under the applause, Jo Walker thought she was determined to win. She looked at Lynn Walker and sneered.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Lynn Walker. Next, please enjoy my design."

As soon as the light was turned on, Beck William came out first. When the audience saw him, some of them even stood up and applauded.

Jo Walker didn't know what was going on. She looked at Elma White in panic.

"The cheongsam I design is called Black Swan. Her neck and shoulder are hollowed out with laces, and the shape of black swan feather is embroidered with goose feathers." Lynn Walker introduced confidently.

"The feathers of the swan are very similar. How do you make it?"

Some designers went straight to the stage and appreciated the cheongsam at a close distance.

"This is the goose feather embroidery technique. I've been looking for it for many years."

"Yes, that's right. The kind of feather embroidered using this technique can pass for the genuine one. It will make people noble, natural, and vivid on wearing it." Lynn Walker explained.

Noticing that the situation was not good, Elma White immediately walked up to her and said, "This cloth is simple. It isn't neither suitable for the popularity nor the theme of the competition."

Elma White was so eloquent. After saying a few words, she had persuaded several designers.

"Yes, it's a cheongsam. Why do you have so many feathers? They are too fancy." Jo Walker also took the opportunity.