Chapter 33 Her Plot Was Exposed

Lynn Walker knew that Elma White wouldn't admit her work so easily. She couldn't convince her unless beat her.

"Don't worry. I haven't finished my show yet. I only need a beam of light to see its most unique part."

"Lynn, isn't your clothes placed here? Everyone has seen it. The directors still have something to do, so you don't need to waste time." Elma White pretended to be considerate.

"It's only a few minutes later. I can wait." Benson Brown suddenly stood up and said.

Everyone present showed respect to Benson Brown.

"Yes, just a few minutes. We can wait."


Others echoed.

Bernie Walker gave Elma White a hint, and Elma White got off the stage.

"Okay, please give me a beam of light."

Then a beam of light slowly projected on the cloth.

For a moment, the cloth was as colorful and shiny as a rainbow.

Everyone stood up and so did Bernie Walker. Elma White and Jo Walker couldn't believe what they saw. They couldn't control themselves anymore.

"How did you make it?"

"It's very simple. I not only used the black silk threads you saw but also used different colors, such as blue, gray, and ice purple. Once the light is projected, it will reflect different colors." Lynn Walker explained.

"It's so beautiful, Mr. Walker. Your daughter is so talented in clothing design at such a young age. A tiger father won't beget a dog son."

"Yes, yes. Mr. Walker, you are so lucky to have such an excellent daughter."

"This project will soon occupy the market."


All the directors couldn't help but praise Lynn Walker. Bernie Walker was a vain man. This time, Lynn Walker did a good job which made him feel happy.

Seeing that no one paid attention to her clothes, Jo Walker walked off the stage in a range.

Elma White was forced to praise Lynn Walker's design.

Benson Brown looked at Lynn Walker with a smile.

Benson Brown was not surprised at all to get such a result. He had expected it.

"Lynn, you did a good job this time. I'll hand this project to you. But you have to keep humble. Don't let us and the directors down."

Bernie Walker ignored Jo Walker and directly handed the project to Lynn Walker.

"Dad, don't worry. I won't let you and the directors down." Lynn Walker pretended to be surprised and humble in front of everyone. She not only got the project but also had a certain foundation in the company.

"I know you will make it." Benson Brown said.

"Thank you, Brother Benson. I didn't expect to win. You helped me a lot."

"Well, Miss. Walker, you've got the project. Let's solve the problem of the dyed cloth." Mr. Lin looked calm and gave a hint to Jo Walker in front of him.

When Bernie Walker and other directors left, Jo Walker was about to leave but stopped by Lynn Walker.

"Young sister, you are in such a hurry to leave. Don't you think you should say something?"

Lynn Walker looked at Jo Walker sharply.

"What? Do you want me to congratulate you for grabbing my project? Lynn Walker, don't go too far!

Jo Walker had completely forgotten about the dyed cloth. Now she only felt a sense of frustration.

"Well, since you don't want to tell me, I'll remind you."

Then Lynn Walker pulled Jo Walker backstage, shook off her hand, pointed at these clothes, and questioned, "Open your eyes and see, are they made of the cloth dyed by Mike?"

Jo Walker avoided eye contact with her and kept trembling her hands on both sides.

"Who is Mike? What are you talking about?" Jo Walker refused to admit it.

Lynn Walker knew that Jo Walker was stubborn.

At this time, Mr. Lin came in, picked up a piece of clothes, and walked to Jo Walker.

"Second Miss. Walker, the cloth belongs to Mike. I won't mistake it. I think Mike must have mentioned you to me."

Mr. Lin raised the voice volume in saying the word "second" on purpose.

Jo Walker took two steps back with guilty and kept swallowing. She kept silent for a while.

"What? Are you bullying me together? Lynn Walker, you have got the project. What else do you want? What are you going to do? Do you want to continue to hurt me?"

Jo Walker intentionally raised her voice, hoping to attract more people, so that she could continue with her tragedy play.

"Stop shouting. You must know the person who will come in next."

Then Mike walked in behind Jo Walker.

Jo Walker wanted to escape from this place.

"Miss. Jo." Mike felt ashamed.

"Don't call me that! I don't recognize you! Who is Mike? Let me go!" Jo Walker was about to run out.

However, Benson Brown happened to come over. Jo Walker bumped into him and was about to scold him.

When she raised her head and saw the coldness in Benson Brown's eyes, Jo Walker was frightened and took two steps back. "Brother, Brother Benson."

"Brother Benson, you come at the right time. They ganged up to frame me. You have to uphold justice for me." Jo Walker cried.

"Well, since you are so wronged, you should know the ins and outs of the matter, so that I can help you." Benson Brown's eyes were cold and distant.

Jo Walker stopped crying immediately, fearing that she would expose herself in front of Benson Brown.

She paused for a while and found everyone was looking at her.

"Okay. I'd see what you are going to do to me!"

Lynn Walker looked at Jo Walker with disgust and gave Mike a hint.

"I'm Mike, the director of Mr. Lin's workshop. Some time ago, my son was diagnosed with leukemia and I'm in urgent need of money. At this time, someone suddenly came to me and said that she could give me the money. As long as I do something for her, I..."

Mike felt so ashamed that he almost buried his head in the ground.

"At that time, there was no time for me. My son was about to enter the operating room, so I had no choice but to agree to this request. I left Mr. Lin's workshop and moved home so that they couldn't find me."

"Is there anyone at the spot asking you to do this?" Mr. Lin asked.

"Yes, she is Jo Walker."

Jo Walker was about to stop him. But Lynn Walker grabbed her arm and said, "What's wrong? You're angry because you are exposed. Didn't you deny it?"