Chapter 34 A Little Cute

"Why should I admit it? Your words have no basis. If you can drag anyone to slander me, can I find someone to say that your design today is a plagiarist? I did spend money to buy the cloth, but I don't know if the other party is Mike or someone else." Jo Walker reacted quickly and forced herself to face Lynn Walker's accusation calmly.

Lynn Walker couldn't help but admire Jo Walker's eloquence. Even if there was a witness, she still insisted that she didn't do it.

"This is Mike's bank account. Look at the name of the transferor on it. What else do you want to say?"

A bank transfer receipt appeared in front of Jo Walker. Her name on it made her face pale.

She muttered but finally said nothing.

Elma White saw this and quickly pulled Jo Walker behind her and said, "Lynn, Jo did such a thing because she was anxious and wanted to contribute to the company. You are her sister, so please understand her mind for the Walker group."

It was said that one would never slap a smiling woman. Elma White simply admitted Jo's mistake with a good attitude. Lynn Walker would seem too calculating if she continued to dig out.

She turned her head to look at Benson Brown, who made a mouth shape and said, "It's up to you."

"Of course I won't be mad at Jo. But aunt would better make it clear to Jo. Jo needs to change her character. If she offends other companies, the Walker group may not be able to protect her."

Elma White smiled and said, "don't worry. She has known that she was wrong."

After Lynn Walker and Benson Brown left, Elma White's smile vanished, and her face turned gloomy.

Jo Walker snorted, "She doesn't deserve to teach me a lesson. If it weren't for Brother Benson, I would teach her a lesson!"

"That's enough!" Elma White saw that Jo Walker still didn't change her mind and said impatiently, "Use your brain more often if you have time. She has schemed you, but you don't realize that ."

Jo Walker was ill-affected. "Didn't you come up with this idea? I haven't told you that you want me to take the blame!"


Elma White was furious. How could she have such a daughter? She thought for her wholeheartedly. But she was blamed by her daughter!

"Lynn Walker did a good job at the selection meeting. Think about how to coax your father to promote you."

"Got it." Jo Walker answered.

She was good at coaxing Bernie Walker. She didn't need to think at all!

On the other side, Lynn Walker took a long breath.

"Are you happy?" Benson Brown smiled.

Compared with the calm Lynn Walker, she was more attractive at this moment.

Lynn Walker said, "Thanks to Brother Benson, or so we wouldn't have passed the selection meeting so easily."

"Just an oral reward?"

"How about I invite Brother Benson to dinner?"

Benson Brown was about to say something when he received a call from his company.

"I can't have this meal today. Just keep it for the next time."

After saying that, he followed Assistant Liu into the car, leaving only Lynn Walker standing there.

She raised her eyebrows. It was better to end up like this, and she didn't like to always restrain herself in front of Benson. She was tired of acting in the face of Benson Brown all the time.

Because she got the project, Lynn Walker decided to reward herself and booked a private kitchen.

The place was only two or three hundred meters away from her. It was said that the cook only received two tables of guests a day. The food materials were air freighted from overseas and directly cooked.

It was quiet inside. The blue light created a vast starry river. When the waiter at the door heard that it was an appointment, he quickly took her to the big round table in the middle.

Inside the round table was the cooking area. The guests could see the cook's action. Lynn Walker raised her head and only saw a middle-aged man.

The chef was wearing a white uniform and a big hat. He said in unskilled Chinese, "Welcome to our restaurant."

His tone was stiff, like Japanese or Korean.

Lynn Walker pulled up her hair casually and was ready to have a big meal, but the chef didn't take any action.

She looked at the chef in confusion, and the chef immediately sensed it. He stretched out his finger and said, "There is another guest."

When Lynn Walker was curious about the late guest, she heard footsteps behind her.

"We meet again." Beck William walked towards her and pulled out the chair beside her.

Lynn Walker raised her eyebrows. What a coincidence.

They met again not long after they parted!

Beck William, who removed his makeup, was less stunning than on the stage. He gave people a natural feeling, and Lynn Walker responded to him generously.

"If I had known I would meet you, I should have prepared a bunch of flowers." Beck William set his eyes on Lynn Walker.

His emotion was complicated, but it was only for a moment. He quickly looked away

As he spoke, the first dish was placed in front of the two.

It was an appetizer, sushi of deep-sea codfish. With the light, it was delicate.

Lynn Walker was so hungry that she didn't care about the people around her. She picked up the food into her mouth and closed her eyes to enjoy.

She didn't have the chance to enjoy such a luxurious life in her previous life. Since she lived again, she would make up for all the regrets.

Seeing that she was eating with relish, Beck William was attracted.

It was the first time that he had seen a woman eat food regardless of her image in front of him. She was a little cute.

Lynn Walker came to her senses and seized him up. "What's wrong? There is something on my face?"

She touched her face and swallowed the sushi in her mouth.

"No, I just think you have a good appetite." Beck William pushed the sushi to her and said, "if you like it, take mine."


Only then did Lynn Walker realize that something was wrong.

As the eldest daughter of the Walker family, her image was ruined because of sushi, which seemed a little unreasonable.

In the following dishes, Lynn Walker tried her best to restrain herself and occasionally cooperated with Beck William's topic.

She suddenly felt that if it were Benson Brown, she might not have to be so reserved and could be herself as she liked. After all, in his eyes, she was just his young sister.

At the end of the dinner, Beck William said that he was going to the bathroom. He got out of his seat and went backstage to the waitress.

"Can you do me a favor?"

Three minutes later, Beck William returned to his seat.

Staring at the busy cook in the middle, Beck William asked casually, "the last dish is ready. Are you full?"

"It is said that the last dish is their specialty. Even if we don't eat, we should have a look." Lynn Walker didn't notice his difference and stared at the cook with great interest.

A blogger was clocking in on the Internet. Although the video was not long, it was full of fireworks and mist. How could she miss such a beautiful scene?

When she was ready, the cook asked, "Are you ready?"

Then the cook smiled mysteriously and shook his fingers in the air. After that, he opened the lids on both sides.


A loud sound exploded in the air.