Chapter 38 The Child Is Still Alive

Sitting in the ambulance, Lynn Walker suddenly remembered that she left Benson Brown alone in the box.

She thought for a while and sent him a message. She excused that she had something to deal with in the company and left early.

Soon she received a message from Benson Brown, who asked her to deal with the matter first and he would see her then.

Lynn Walker Put away her phone and felt a little guilty.

It was obvious that Benson Brown treated her specially, but she couldn't respond. After all, she had been using him at the beginning. She deliberately approached him to humiliate Jo Walker and took use of his resources to help her plan.

When the car stopped, Duke Lyndon commanded the doctors to push the bed into the emergency room.

Lynn Walker jumped out of the ambulance and followed the crowd.

"Director, the examination result shows that a blood stasis is in his head. But it doesn't disperse. And we need surgery."

The doctor reported the examination result to Duke Lyndon.

Hearing this, Duke Lyndon looked at Lynn Walker with an unreadable expression in his eyes.

He had thought that the girl was pretending to know, but she was right. It was half an hour's drive, and the blood stasis didn't spread, which meant that she could use the silver needle to prevent the blood stasis.

Lynn Walker shrugged her shoulders and said, "He is very weak now. A forced operation will only consume his energy."

"Is your medical skill more accurate than the precise equipment in the hospital? The equipment shows that all indexes have met the standard requirements. The operation is risky but not a big problem."

Duke Lyndon softened his tone but still disagreed with her.

He trusted the equipment. Lynn Walker knew she couldn't change it even with a few words.

She had no choice but to say, "Wait for a while again."

"Wait? You are so irresponsible. Time is life. The child is in danger. What are you waiting for?"

Duke Lyndon was about to enter the emergency room but stopped by Lynn Walker. "It's a matter of life. Please wait for a few more minutes."

Her sudden action completely irritated Duke Lyndon, "Get out. If you are still obstinate, I have to ask someone to drive you out."

The woman didn't know what was going on. When she saw that Lynn Walker didn't let Duke Lyndon in, she like a fighting cock pushed Lynn Walker's shoulders.

"My son is inside. Why don't you allow him to do the surgery? I have money to hire Mr. Lyndon. I don't need you to worry about me here."

She pushed Lynn Walker against the wall.

Lynn Walker felt dizzy. Two doctors in white coats carried out her.

Regardless of the pain, Lynn Walker held a doctor's hand and said, "Don't operate. Wait for more than ten minutes. If the data is stable, it's not late to operate!"

"Well, are we doctors or you? Don't show off. Mr. Lyndon will do the surgery."

"Who do you think you are? How dare you challenge Mr. Lyndon? You're overconfident!"

Lynn Walker felt troublesome. Although she had sealed the acupoints, it might not work. It took her half an hour on the road, and the effect would appear no more than ten minutes.

She walked towards the gate of the hospital but stopped by the doctor. "Don't force us to do anything."

Lynn Walker had no choice but to wait at the gate.

She prayed that they'd better not have the surgery and find out the problem before operation.

As time went by, Lynn Walker was tormented. The boy was still so young. He had to make it through!

In the emergency room, Mr. Lyndon changed his clothes and picked up the scalpel. He thought of the stubbornness of Lynn Walker and asked, "What's the data now?"

The nurse took a casual look at him and broke out in a cold sweat. "Dean, there is something wrong with the blood pressure."


Duke Lyndon walked over and found that there was something wrong with the blood pressure. The values in all aspects were soaring. "Take a CT scan of his brain!"

The nurse quickly turned on the equipment. When she saw the display, her face turned even paler. "The blood stasis is spreading. We can't do the operation now!"

"The blood stasis has spread out..." Duke Lyndon put down his scalpel.

How could he not know what it meant after he had been a doctor for decades? This child might

The light of the emergency room went out all of a sudden. The woman rushed up in a hurry, "Doctor, how is my son? Is the operation successful?"

Although it was only a few minutes, she still had a glimmer of hope because she trusted Duke Lyndon.

"The blood stasis has spread. You'd better get ready." Duke Lyndon sighed.

No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't control the speed of spreading. He could only feel sorry for the little child.

Hearing his words, the woman was dizzy and almost fainted.

She shook her head crazily. "No, it's impossible. My son is the strongest!"

"You are the director of the hospital. Mr. Lyndon, please save my son! Please!"

"I'm sorry," he sighed.

He could only say that. A rash operation would affect his reputation, and he was about to retire. He couldn't fail at this critical moment.

The hope in the woman's eyes was extinguished. She put down her hands and mumbled to the door of the emergency room.

"How did it spread? It was fine just now. How could it be like this?"

All of a sudden, she thought of Lynn Walker who had been driven away. She turned around and stumbled towards the elevator. That was her last hope, and she would not give up anyway.

Waiting downstairs, Lynn Walker saw the woman running out with messy hair and glassy eyes. She sighed. What she was worried about finally happened.

"Miss, please save my son. I was too impulsive just now. Please save him. He is innocent."

The woman burst into tears. Lynn Walker was worried about the child. "Go upstairs and see what's going on."

A few minutes later, she could only pray that the blood stasis would spread slowly. If all of it had spread, she could do nothing.

The nurse at the door of the emergency room was sorting out the surgical supplies. When she saw Lynn Walker, she didn't raise her head. "You can't come in. The family members are waiting outside. We will send patients out later."

"The child is still alive. Let me in to see what's going on." Lynn Walker said seriously.

"You?" The nurse didn't believe her. "Mr. Lyndon said he couldn't do it. What can you do? Hurry up and don't disturb my work!"

Lynn Walker looked back at the woman behind her, and the woman immediately reacted. She heard that "the child is still alive" and forgot her image.

"I'm the child's parent. I will take responsibility if there is anything. Get out of my way!"

It was the first time that she had seen her fulmination.

Lynn Walker raised her eyebrows. She seems to be rich and powerful.

"I have invested in this hospital. I can enter the emergency room even anyplace I want."

The nurses were too scared to say a word. They looked at each other and made way silently.