Chapter 39 The Day of Successful Revenge

The light of the emergency room turned on again, and three or four nurses were surrounding them. Lynn Walker took out her silver needles and said, "I need a quiet environment. Don't stay here."

The woman left with the nurse obediently, leaving only Lynn Walker and the child lying on the bed in the emergency room.

The equipment showed that the blood stasis didn't spread far. Lynn Walker breathed a sigh of relief.

Traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine were never against each other. With equipment, the specific situation could be seen more directly.

The needle was inserted into the boy's head one by one, and Lynn Walker's forehead began to sweat.

There were many acupoints on his head, so she had to pay full attention to them. If she was not careful, she would make a mistake, and she was also under a lot of pressure.

Lynn Walker didn't know how long it took. When she saw the picture on the equipment, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The blood stasis was also like poison. It was almost impossible to remove it all at once, so she could only slowly dredge it.

Most of the blood stasis in the boy's head had been melted, with only a little the size of a fingernail left. After sealing, it wouldn't affect his normal life.

After the surgery, Lynn Walker walked out of the emergency room with relief.

The woman walked up to her and asked, "How's it going?"

The expectation in her eyes was like a bright light. At this moment, only Lynn Walker could give her hope.

"He is fine temporarily." Lynn Walker rubbed her temples.

After staying inside for three or four hours, her hands were sore and numb, and her eyes were also red.

"Thank you, thank you!" The woman found a breakthrough and burst into tears.

She had gone through despair and pain in this short day and finally heard the answer she wanted.

Although Lynn Walker was tired, she didn't forget to remind her, "This is a prescription. You go back and cook it for him. If there is no problem with him in a month, I will remove the last blood stasis for him."

"Remember, don't let your child have too much emotional fluctuation. Go to bed on time and don't be too tired."

"I will remember. Thank you. Leave me your phone number. I must thank you!" The woman said. Tiredness could not cover up her delicate features.

Lynn Walker didn't want her reward. Thinking that she had to take the child acupuncture a month later, she left her phone number.

Lynn Walker couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she saw Duke Lyndon.

"I heard that you saved the child?" The values in all aspects showed the child was dangerous. He couldn't believe that Lynn Walker could get him out of danger with just a few silver needles!

He stopped the nurse who came out of the emergency room and got the answer that all indexes had returned to normal, and the blood stasis was only the size of a fingernail. They only waited for the child to wake up.

"How did you make it?"

She melted the blood stasis without trephination. He had never seen such a situation before. If it was true, Lynn Walker's medical skills had reached their peak!

Lynn Walker said, "There are different specializations. Mr. Lyndon may have outstanding achievements in surgery, and I just have some research on traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture."

She spoke properly and showed enough respect to him in front of everyone.

He looked at her with appreciation and asked, "Are you interested in becoming a chief surgeon?"

His casual words made the people present gasp. Mr. Lyndon wanted to take Lynn Walker as his apprentice!

In the past few decades, there had been so many doctors who wanted to be Mr. Lyndon's students, but he had refused them all. But he would be willing to accept a woman as his apprentice.

Lynn Walker was also stunned for a moment, but she quickly responded, "Thanks for your appreciation, dean. But I'm also engaged in another job, so I don't have time to study medicine with you."

"I understand." Unexpectedly, he didn't get angry. "If you have time to learn in the future, come to me and I'll teach you in person."

It wasn't easy to find a talented person. He didn't insist, but he still hoped that Lynn Walker would agree. After all, he had been done it for decades. He didn't want to bring it into the coffin.

"Okay, thank you, dean!"

It was already evening when Lynn Walker left the hospital. She went back to her room wearily. After a simple wash, she was about to go to bed when she was awakened by Jo Walker's knock on the door.

"Here you are." Jo Walker handed the soup to Lynn Walker reluctantly.

Last time, she was scolded by her mother because she drank that soup and almost messed up their plan.

When Lynn Walker saw the soup, she couldn't pretend to be polite anymore. "It's late now. I don't have the habit of eating before going to bed."

"Shame on you!" Jo Walker's blood was boiling and rushed to the top of her head.

She was already pissed off by Benson Brown's words today. She had been forced to bring soup to her when she came back. Plus, Lynn Walker's attitude made her unable to hold back her anger anymore.

When she was about to lose her temper, she heard the door open in the hall.

Jo Walker realized that only Bernie Walker could go home now.

Her expression softened, and her tone changed. "Sister, I sent you the soup because I saw you were tired. You happened to misunderstand our relationship. I want to take this opportunity to apologize to you."

Lynn Walker looked at her coldly.

After Jo Walker finished, she took the soup and replied hypocritically, "Thanks for your concern. I'm so moved."

"But I don't think I'm the hardest person in our family. Dad is the backbone of this family. You should give dad the soup."

Under the astonished gaze of Jo Walker, Lynn Walker walked up to Bernie Walker, who had just gone upstairs. "Dad, this soup is specially prepared by my young sister. You must drink it!"

Bernie Walker smiled with relief, "I'm glad that you are all sensible."

He took the soup and drank it up under Lynn Walker's gaze.

"No..." Jo Walker didn't have time to stop him. She ran to her father, leaving only the soup bowl.

Bernie Walker frowned, "What do you mean by 'no'?"

Jo Walker smiled stiffly. "Er... I mean you don't leave the rest. The essence of the soup is all under it."

In case of any emergency, she specially applied double of the medicine. Although it was not fatal, it was enough to make people feel dispirited for several days. She had planned to take over her job after Lynn Walker drank it, but she did not expect that she gave it to Bernie Walker by accident.

"Dad, I'm tired. Have a good rest." Jo Walker thought of the medicine and hurried away with the soup.

Lynn Walker's eyes twinkled. Although she didn't know what kind of medicine Jo Walker had put, she could see through her expression that it was not simple.

"Lynn, how is the project going?" Bernie Walker's eyes were bloodshot, but he still asked Lynn Walker with great interest.

"Everything goes well. I'll follow up on the cloth tomorrow. The design drawing is also being completed."

"That's good. The company attaches great importance to this project. You must perform well."

Lynn Walker agreed obediently and told Bernie Walker, "Dad, don't be too tired. Have a good rest. Health is the most important thing."

After all, only when he was in good health could he live until she succeeded in revenge!