Chapter 40 Naive and Ridiculous

On the second day, the smile in Lynn Walker's eyes disappeared when she saw her weak father.

Jo Walker, on the other hand, flattered him in a trembling voice, "Dad, you must be too tired. Take care of yourself!"

"Yes, you're old now. Let go of something. Let Jo experience it. We're happy and have a trip." Elma White added.

As she spoke, she gave Jo Walker a hint, who then poured a glass of water for Bernie Walker.

Bernie Walker leaned against the sofa and didn't see her guilty. He took the hot water with relief and said, "I'm indeed old."

His lips were pale and weak all over. It seemed that he had used up all his strength to say this.

Lynn Walker walked over and asked, "Dad, are you not feeling well? Have you called the doctor?"

Her casual question made Elma White and Jo Walker nervous. Jo Walker glared at her.

Ignoring the hostility of the two, Lynn Walker said, "I know a doctor with superb medical skills. I happen to be free today. How about I take you to see him?"

"What kind of doctor do you know? You just came here. I'm afraid you are not even familiar with the road!" Jo Walker said with disdain.

Elma White added, "Yes, it's good for you to be filial, but you can't make fun of your father's health. I'll call the doctor. You don't have to worry about it."

She had to inform the doctor in advance. If the doctor found out that Bernie Walker was poisoned, they would be over.

Lynn Walker understood what they were thinking, so she tried to persuade Bernie Walker, "I helped Mr. Lyndon on the way back yesterday, and he said he owed me a favor. It's a good chance for you to have a general examination."

"Do you know him?" At first, Bernie Walker didn't have much hope for Lynn Walker. When he heard that she knew Duke Lyndon, he raised his eyelids.

He was a person with whom ordinary people couldn't make an appointment. How could he have a connection with Lynn Walker?

"I happened to meet him." Lynn Walker nodded.

She looked calm and not proud of knowing Duke Lyndon.

Bernie Walker treated her daughter differently. He had underestimated her. She always gave him a surprise.

Noticing that the situation was unfavorable, Jo Walker asked Lynn Walker in a strange tone, "Mr. Lyndon is very busy and about to retire. Don't mistake him for someone else. It will be too embarrassing if we don't have an appointment then."

"Dad, let's go to the hospital together. Some of my friends have studied abroad and come back with superb medical skills..."

"Don't worry, young sister. I'll make an appointment now." Lynn Walker interrupted Jo Walker and took out her phone.

At this moment, Jo Walker was a little flustered. Did she know him?

No, she couldn't come into contact with such a figure!

Jo Walker only suspected for a moment and quickly made up her mind.

Elma White, on the other hand, looked serious. Although she didn't understand why Lynn Walker was so confident, she was not stupid. A joke like this would be exposed sooner or later, or...

Her purpose was just to find out the fact that Bernie Walker was poisoned and then put the blame on them!

Realizing Lynn Walker's intention, Elma White's alarm rang.

While Lynn Walker was talking to Bernie Walker, she stood up and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to bring some ginger soup. Jo, come and bring me some honey."

Jo Walker wanted to refuse, but when she met Elma White's warning eyes, she had to stand up to help.

When they arrived at the kitchen, Jo Walker couldn't help but complain, "Mom, Lynn Walker did it on purpose. She must have hired someone to impersonate Mr. Lyndon to slander me!"

Elma White glared at her. "If you don't give her a chance, how can she slander you?"

"I told you many times to be careful, but you still forget it. You took the initiative to hand her a knife. If your father knows that he is poisoned because of that soup, I will suffer with you."

"Oh, I know my fault. Mom, please find a way to stop dad from going to the hospital!"

Jo Walker shook Elma White's arm and flirted with her. Elma White's heart softened.

"Don't do it again. You must discuss with me if you want to do what."

"Okay, I will follow you from now on!"

Elma White adjusted her expression and walked to Bernie Walker with the ginger soup. "Drink it while it's hot. I've already..."

"I've finished." Lynn Walker happened to hang up the phone and walked in to interrupt Elma White.

"Mr. Lyndon is in the hospital now. We can go there at any time. Dad, your health is the most important. Don't delay anymore!"

Bernie Walker smiled, "Okay, I'll change my clothes."

"Eh? Bernie!" Elma White wanted to stop Bernie Walker, but he was in high spirits because of the name of Mr. Lyndon, so he didn't hear her.

There were only the three of them in the living room. Elma White's face darkened. "Lynn, your father is happy. If you can't invite Mr. Lyndon, you'd better tell him in advance. If he doesn't see him, he will be very angry. And the project in your hand will be in trouble!"

"Of course. Don't worry, aunt." Lynn Walker nodded modestly. She seemed to be obedient, but what she said was not pleasing.

Elma White sensed that something was wrong with her being confident. She immediately asked Jo Walker to contact an acquaintance of the hospital they were going to. She planned to stop Bernie Walker before he met Duke Lyndon.

The family was rushed to the hospital. Lynn Walker leaned against the back window and closed her eyes for rest. Jo Walker and Elma White weren't as relaxed as her.

As soon as the car stopped, a middle-aged doctor came out of the hospital.

"You must be Mr. Walker. I've heard a lot about you!" The doctor rushed out and held Bernie Walker's hand.

Bernie Walker figured him out and looked back at Lynn Walker.

Why did Duke Lyndon change to another man?

Lynn Walker threw up her hands and said, "I don't know this doctor very well. Maybe it's my sister who invited him."

Turning to Jo Walker, she had no choice but to admit it.

Elma White tried to mediate a dispute with a smile. "Jo is a filial daughter. She also found a director of the hospital. The doctor can also give you an examination."

Bernie Walker was looking forward to seeing Duke Lyndon, but he was a little unhappy when he was suddenly intercepted. Because of his daughter, he didn't show it on his face.

The embarrassing atmosphere began to dissipate under his mediation. Bernie Walker seemed to be persuaded by him.

"Our hospital is the best general hospital in the province with the most advanced equipment. Mr. Walker, don't worry. I will be responsible for your illness."

The doctor led Bernie Walker into the hospital, and Lynn Walker followed them. With a sneer on her face, she walked casually.

How naive they were.

Since she said it was Duke Lyndon, where didn't he go as the dean of this hospital!

How could any doctor stop them? What they did would only make people feel more ridiculous.