Chapter 41 Don't Trust Her Anymore

In the VIP waiting room, the doctor asked about Bernie Walker's condition. Lynn Walker leaned against the chair and yawned. She raised her hand and glanced at the time.

Almost done!

She put down her long legs and stood up.

"Sister, have you been impatient with waiting for such a short period?" Jo Walker's sweet and greasy voice was penetrating. She deliberately said to Bernie Walker.

Bernie Walker's attention was attracted by her. Lynn Walker didn't say anything. When she passed by Jo Walker, she curled her lips meaningfully.

Her contempt annoyed Jo Walker. When she was about to say something, she saw Lynn Walker open the door.

"Dad, Mr. Lyndon is coming." Lynn Walker took half a step back and saw Duke Lyndon coming in.

His hair was half gray, but he was in high spirits.

"You..." Jo Walker was stunned.

Elma White quickly came to her senses and asked, "Are you sure this is Mr. Lyndon?

She still had a glimmer of hope and didn't believe that Lynn Walker was so powerful.

But the doctor behind her gave her the answer, "Mr. Lyndon, why are you here? Just inform me if there is anything. You don't need to come in person."

The flattering attitude showed everything. Elma White had to believe that the man in front of her was Duke Lyndon.

After being confused and shocked, Elma White walked to Duke Lyndon first. "Oh, it's Mr. Lyndon. You..."

Duke Lyndon interrupted her and turned to Lynn Walker."I heard that your father is not feeling well?"

"Mr. Lydon, my father suddenly feels weak and dizzy. Can you help me check him?"

Bernie Walker became the focus of his attention and was immediately flattered.

"Can you move to my office, Mr. Walker?"

Bernie Walker immediately agreed, "Of course, thank you, Mr. Lyndon."

Jo Walker pulled Elma White's sleeve and whispered anxiously, "Mom, what should I do? I don't want to be kicked out of the Walker group. Please help me."

"Don't be panic. The examination hasn't started yet. Even if the result comes out, how can they prove that it is you who did it?"

"Yes, I've thrown away the soup!" The melancholy on Jo Walker's face disappeared. She raised her chin again.

If so, she, Lynn Walker, would be in vain!

On the other side, Lynn Walker yawned. When she caught a glimpse of Jo Walker's unfriendly eyes, she strode forward.

Today, she didn't have to expose Jo Walker and Elma White. But once the seeds of suspicion were planted, they would take root and sprout. Bernie Walker had a suspicious nature and he would think more.

She had a lot of time to waste with them. It was too boring to end the game at the beginning. She wanted to enjoy the fun of the game slowly!

Bernie Walker wanted to cotton up to him. "It's Lynn's honor that Mr. Lydon can come. You are a hero with superb medical skills. I have always wanted to make friends with you. I don't know..."

He didn't go on, but everything was clear.

Duke Lyndon knew his meaning. "You are also conscientious, who donated money to the disaster area some time ago. I admire you very much."

He paused for a moment and continued, "Lynn is a good boy. I am old. The world belongs to young people in the future. But no one could inherit my medical skills. If she is willing to learn medicine from me, it could be better."

His words made everyone's mind wander.

Elma White and Jo Walker looked at each other and smiled. They didn't expect that Duke Lyndon would speak so highly of Lynn Walker!

Bernie Walker was embarrassed and surprised.

He tried to show his affection. But Duke Lyndon thought highly of his daughter!

He forced a smile and said, "Mr. Lydon, you're flattering me. My daughter doesn't master in medicine, so I'm afraid she can't inherit your skills."

"Not a medical major?" Duke Lyndon was surprised.

Lynn Walker's traditional Chinese medicine skill was better than his, but she was not a professional doctor. That was too terrible!

Lynn Walker was afraid that he might reveal her past and stopped him in a hurry. "Mr. Lydon, is my father all right?"

Duke Lyndon put down the instrument and asked, "What has Mr. Walker eaten recently?"

"I drank some ginger soup this morning, but I didn't eat anything today. As for last night... I drank a bowl of chicken soup."

Bernie Walker frowned and recalled, "Can't I eat these?"

"But not really." Mr. Lydon said while writing a prescription. "You have symptoms of poisoning. If it's ordinary soup, of course, it's okay."


Bernie Walker turned around and looked sharply at the people in the room.

Elma White was a sophisticated woman, but Jo Walker was a little inferior to her. When she looked at Bernie Walker, she couldn't help but lower her head.

"Mr. Lydon, is the poison serious?"

"It's not serious. It's a chronic poison, but the dose should be heavy. You'll be fine after taking this prescription for a week."

"Thank you, Mr. Lydon."

Bernie Walker said in a low voice, and no emotion could be seen in his obscure eyes.

Knowing that he was poisoning, he was not in the mood to make friends with Duke Lyndon again and left in a hurry.

"Who poisoned me?" Bernie Walker sat in the middle of the sofa and asked.

Jo Walker shivered with fear and hid behind Elma White.

"Bernie, do you suspect that we have poisoned you?" Tears welled up in Elma White's eyes as she was brewing her emotions. "I have been with you for so many years. Don't you know what kind of person I am? I have a lot of chances to hurt you. Why do I wait until today?"

The more she said, the more excited she became. Tears ran down her cheeks, and her well-maintained face looked pitiful.

Bernie Walker's heart softened. He held her in his arms and said, "I have never doubted you. I will find out the truth and prove your innocence."

Lynn Walker ignored the unpleasant scene and went to her room in silence.

It used to be her mother's home, but now another woman came into it and enjoyed everything in front of her.

Don't worry. She would take it back soon!

Jo Walker followed her. "Sister's plan failed. You seem to be in a bad mood."

Lynn Walker ignored her and opened the bedroom door.

When she thought that it was her who robbed her bedroom, Jo Walker clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. "Let's wait and see. We have ample time."

"I'll wait." Lynn Walker slammed the door with three words.

Lying in Bernie Walker's arms, Elma White rolled her eyes and said, "Bernie, have you ever thought that we haven't had any accident for so many years? How could you be poisoned after Lynn comes back?"

"What do you mean?" Bernie Walker frowned.

"You know how much Jo and I love you, but Lynn has lived in the countryside for so many years, it's hard to guarantee that she isn't wild. As soon as she came back, she went against Jo. We tolerated her again and again, but in return, she got even worse."

With every word she said, Bernie Walker's eyes darkened and no one could tell what he was thinking.

Finally, Bernie Walker interrupted her, "I'll ask someone to investigate. Don't mention else before the truth comes out."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, but he calmed down in an instant. Elma White felt a little frustrated. It seemed that he no longer believed her!