Chapter 42 The Future Star

The next day, when Lynn Walker received Benson Brown's notice, she was discussing the fabric with the factory director.

"How is Professor Clark?" Sitting in Benson Brown's car, Lynn Walker looked serious.

All the procedures were going on after the selection meeting. If something went wrong with Professor Clark, all her previous efforts would be wasted. Where could she find another person to replace him?

Benson Brown handed her a cup of coffee. "His hand was hurt when he went out in the typhoon. We don't know the specific situation until we meet him."

The more ambiguous Benson Brown's words were, the more restless Lynn Walker became. She held the bottom of the coffee cup flustered.

The road to the hospital was not long, but she felt as if a century had passed.

Professor Clark sat on the bed with his arms hanging on the edge of the bed, looking lifeless. When he saw Lynn Walker come in, his eyelids moved.

"Professor Clark, are you all right?" Lynn Walker asked.

Professor Clark's eyes widened, "I want to leave the hospital. Let me out!"

He struggled to get up from the bed, but the bodyguard beside him had already accustomed to this and quickly pressed his shoulders.

After a long time, Professor Clark leaned against the bedside wearily. "Why are you stopping me? Let me go. I want to call the police. No one can restrict my freedom!"

He struggled with too much strength and spoke in a weak voice, staring at Lynn Walker.

The sudden change confused Lynn Walker. They had a good talk before, but now he regarded her as an enemy because of an accident.

"Professor Clark, your hand is injured. You need to stay in the hospital for observation." Lynn Walker tried her best to persuade him.

Professor Clark was still stubborn, "I know my own body clearly, and my hands are also very good. I don't need to be observed. Let me leave the hospital, and I will do what I promised you on time."

Benson Brown reminded him coldly, "Your arm is broken. It won't take you one or two days to recover."

"Even if I don't want this hand, I'll kick it out for you!" Professor Clark raised his neck.

No matter what they said, Professor Clark insisted on leaving the hospital and repeated the words.

Lynn Walker pulled up a chair and sat down. "Professor Clark, can you tell me why you have to leave the hospital?"

She looked at Professor Clark sincerely and wanted to know the reason why he had to go home even if he was seriously injured.

Professor Clark blinked his eyes and turned his head to the window. "I like to live in my own house. I can't sleep here."

His voice was very light as if he was saying to himself that the wind would blow away.

Outside the window, the sun was shining brightly. The long-lost sunny day dispelled the previous gloom, and occasionally a gust of wind was blowing with warmth.

"I can promise you, but I have to go back with you to take care of you."

Lynn Walker felt that someone was staring at her. She raised her head and looked at Benson Brown. All of a sudden, her heart beat faster and faster.

She lowered her head in a hurry, implying in her heart that she was just attracted by Benson Brown's handsome face. It was human nature!

Hearing that Lynn Walker wanted to go back with him, Professor Clark refused without hesitation, "It's not convenient for you to live in my house, and my old man's house is not a good place. I won't make you feel wronged."

Although it was a refusal, it was much more polite.

As long as he could go back, he would not mind the dispute with the bodyguards just now.

"I'm worried about your safety. If you don't agree, you can only stay in the hospital until you recover."

Lynn Walker guessed that he must have some unspeakable reasons, but how could she forgive him if he refused to tell her.

"You..." Professor Clark raised his voice, "You are kidding me!"

When the bodyguards didn't notice, he suddenly jumped up and kicked Lynn Walker. She lost her balance and fell straight.

Benson Brown came to his senses and ran to hold Lynn Walker's wrist. Her head hit the wall, and the dull sound reverberated throughout the room.

Lynn Walker hummed and her brain was buzzing.

"Lynn, Lynn..."

Seeing Benson Brown's mouth open and close, Lynn Walker could only tell her name by his mouth shape.

She couldn't hear her voice, either. She said, "I'm fine."

There was thick blood behind her hair. Enduring the sharp pain, Lynn Walker finally closed her eyes wearily.

When she woke up again, the smell of disinfectant pervaded her nose.

"You are awake." Benson Brown said in a hoarse voice.

Lynn Walker tried to sit up and lay back on the bed. "How long have I slept?"

"I have asked someone to look after Professor Clark. Have a good rest."

If Professor Clark hadn't been useful to her, Benson Brown wouldn't have let him go so easily!

There was an only orange glow in the sky. Even if he stood up immediately, it would be midnight to go back. There must be a hidden reason why Professor Clark refused to stay in the hospital.

An hour later, the bodyguard came to report to Benson Brown.

"Professor Clark is missing. We have searched everywhere in the hospital. Maybe he took a taxi and left."

Benson Brown questioned coldly, "What do you think of people?"

The bodyguard looked at him with fear.

He plucked up his courage and explained, "A doctor said he wanted to have a check-up, so we didn't dare to neglect him. We waited outside for an hour, but he still didn't come out. When we opened the door, there was no one inside."

"Ask someone to drive to his house right now." Benson Brown glanced at Lynn Walker who was sleeping soundly and said, "Be quiet."

It was not easy to get her to sleep, so he couldn't wake her up because of such a trifle.

But what he didn't know was that Lynn Walker was pretending to be asleep and she could hear their talk.

As expected, Professor Clark escaped with the help of the doctor in the hospital. It seemed that he had a deep relationship with the doctor here.

She made up her mind that she would go to see Professor Clark tomorrow morning and ask him the reason. As for the embroidery

She had to wait and see.

But this morning, she met Mr. Lydon before she set out.

When Benson Brown was dealing with business in the next ward, Duke Lyndon found Lynn Walker.

"Are you going to look for Professor Clark?" Mr. Lyndon looked her up and down and guessed something.

Lynn Walker didn't deny, "Mr. Lydon also knows Professor Clark? It seems that you have met him often."

If the person was Mr. Lydon, then it would make sense. Even if Benson Brown laid a snare, under Mr. Lydon's control, he could only be replaced secretly.

"We have met several times. Professor Clark is a stubborn man. He is polite to you. He should appreciate you very much!"

The last round was an affirmative answer. Lynn Walker raised her eyebrows and asked, "Mr. Lydon, you seem to know Professor Clark very well?"

Reminded by her, he came to his senses and touched his nose unconsciously. "I'm just guessing. Don't take it seriously."

"There is nothing serious with your head injury. I came here today to ask if you want to learn medical skills from me. If you agree, I will introduce you to my friends in the circle, so that you can have a better future."

He changed the topic and stared at Lynn Walker eagerly as if looking at a rising star in the future.