Chapter 43 Break into Professor Clark's Residence

"Thank you for your appreciation, Director. But I have something more important to do now." Lynn Walker lifted the quilt and left.

Professor Clark was in danger. She couldn't rest assured without news.

Duke Lyndon sighed, "I'm old and thirsty for talents. But my medical skills can't be inherited. I'm afraid it's regret for my whole life."

Lynn Walker stopped and turned around. Seeing that he was depressed, she could not bear to say, "I'm just a dabber. If you don't mind, I'm willing to be your apprentice."

"Really?" Duke Lyndon's hope lit again.

After getting Lynn Walker's approval, he looked much more relaxed.

"I'm happy to receive you as my apprentice!"

"What apprentice?"

Benson Brown pushed the door open and asked.

Duke Lyndon took a look at Lynn Walker. A few days ago, when he met with Bernie Walker, Lynn Walker had told him that almost no one knew about her medical skills and that she didn't want to reveal it to others.

Lynn Walker explained with a smile, "Mr. Lyndon thinks that I'm a good student and wants to take me as his apprentice. What do you think?"

Benson Brown frowned, "Apprentice?"

Duke Lyndon was one of the best doctors in the world. She couldn't be treated differently because of her strong learning ability.

He sized up the two with his sharp eyes. Lynn Walker was so calm that he couldn't suspect.

"Of course you can." Benson Brown replied.

Lynn Walker replied in a sweet voice, "That's great. I will have a master from now on!"

If Benson Brown had something urgent, she would have an excuse to take treatment.

Duke Lyndon was immersed in the joy of taking an apprentice.

"I don't have anything for you. This is for your self-defense." Mr. Lyndon took out a small cloth bag from his wallet and said, "There are precious herbs in it. Most of the poisons can be found antidotes."

The cloth bag was the size of a palm. When Lynn Walker opened it, she was startled.

This was a detoxifying treasure house. No wonder Duke Lyndon was so generous.

After giving instructions, he found an excuse to leave.

"Professor Clark has returned to his residence. Shall we set off now?" Benson Brown asked.

"Thank you, Brother Benson."

Although her tone was polite, it was aloof.

Benson Brown's eyes darkened. "You don't have to be so polite to me."

Somehow, he could feel the deliberate indifference and alienation from Lynn Walker. Was he so frightening that she didn't dare to come into contact with him?

Lynn Walker touched her nose sulkily.

She was somewhat embarrassed because he saw through her mind.

The car stopped at the entrance of the village again. Several farmworkers who were resting pointed at the people who got off the car.

"They seem to come here for Professor Clark. He has been busy these days."

"I heard that Professor Clark's arm was injured. These people have no sympathy and want him to help make money."

"Yes, we can follow them. If Professor Clark conflicts with them, we can help him."

"Right, Professor Clark is very kind to us. He always spends money buying cotton that we can't sell. We can't be ungrateful!"

Then they picked up their hoes and walked towards Professor Clark's house.

The door of Professor Clark's house was closed. The bodyguards at the door made way for Lynn Walker and Benson Brown at the sight of them.

Benson Brown asked the bodyguard, "Is he inside?"

One of the bodyguards replied, "He hasn't come out since he comes back."

They tried every means but failed to open the door. They could only wait for him at the main door.

Lynn Walker walked up the steps and put her fingers on the wooden door. "Professor Clark, it's me. We are all worried about you. Can you open the door first? I want to talk with you."

It was quiet inside. Lynn Walker repeated, but there was still no sound.

It was so quiet as if there was no one living inside.

Lynn Walker had an intuition that something was wrong. Professor Clark's arm was injured. He came back from the hospital in the middle of the night. Would he have an accident on the way?

"Professor Clark, can you answer me?" Lynn Walker raised her voice, "Are we coming in?"

There was silence in the room for five seconds. Professor Clark's weak voice came out.

"Can't you go back? I don't want to see you."

Lynn Walker frowned. The change of his attitude caught her off guard. She had thought that she could get the embroidery of Professor Clark smoothly but didn't expect that something would go wrong halfway!

"Mr. President, do you want to open the door by force?" The bodyguard asked with a flattering expression.

A wooden door was nothing to them. It would take them some time to guard against the door.

Lynn Walker stopped him, "No."

Forcibly opening the door would only cause Professor Clark's antipathy. Then she wouldn't have any chance to compromise with him.

However, as soon as she finished, a scream came from the room.

Lynn Walker looked at Benson Brown seriously.

Benson Brown said decisively, "Break the door!"

After receiving the order, the bodyguard took two steps back at the same time and kicked the wooden door with all his strength.


The deafening explosion made the villagers speed up.

"It's Professor Clark's home. They break into his house by force!"

The scene inside was clear and almost the same as last time. Even the plants in the yard were neat and unaffected by the typhoon.

"Professor Clark?" Lynn Walker called.

"Who allowed you to come in? Get out! Get out!"

Professor Clark in the inner room was so anxious that he gritted his teeth.

"We are here to help you," said Lynn Walker.

"I don't need any help. Get out!"

His words stopped Lynn Walker in front of the inner door. "Are you hurt? Is it serious?"

Professor Clark didn't answer her. There was a rustling sound in the room, not loud, but very obvious.

Lynn Walker raised her hand to knock at the door, but the door was opened from inside.

The room was dark. Even if there was a ray of light outside, she could only see the door.

Professor Clark dragged his legs out and closed the door again.

"I've told you to go out. This is my home!" Professor Clark's yellow eyes were bloodshot. No one knew if it was because of anger or tiredness.

He was still wearing the hospital uniform. He had no time to change. The white stripes were stained with mud, and his legs fell to the ground at an unnatural angle.

Lynn Walker saw the problem at a glance. "Your leg..."

She hadn't seen him for only one night. His leg was injured. It seemed that he was seriously injured!

Professor Clark found a chair panting heavily and sat in the living room, wiping the sweat on his forehead.

It was autumn now, but he was sweating all over, and the clothes on his back were all wet!

"Professor Clark, are you right? We are all here to help you!"

Outside the door, there were many villagers, with sticks and sickles in their hands, stepping into the door aggressively.