Chapter 45 Taking Advantage of the Situation

Lynn Walker grabbed her hand to wake herself up, but her consciousness was gradually losing.

Her body seemed to have been drained of strength. She fell to the ground, with her eyelids getting heavier and heavier

She couldn't sleep!

She suddenly opened her eyes and bit her lips with her teeth. The rust smell made her barely sober up.

She was only one step away from the snake, but she had no strength to move over.

Lynn Walker took out the silver needle and sealed the area of the poison first.

There were only two needles, but she was so tired that she collapsed to the ground.

The sky was shrouded in darkness. Lynn Walker slowly closed her eyes.

She firmly believed that she would live. She hadn't taken revenge and must live!

Knowing that Lynn Walker was missing, Benson Brown went back to the village by car.

He walked down the path. The bodyguard reported to him, "Miss Walker got out of the village after you. I showed her the way, but it has been two hours, and the car at the entrance of the village still did not pick her up."

Lynn Walker shouldn't have gotten out of the village. According to the villagers' situation at that time, if they saw Lynn Walker, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Benson Brown's eyes were full of murderous will. "Go back and get your punishment yourself."

He especially asked him to take good care of Lynn Walker before leaving, but she was missing. If he was not in a hurry to find her, he would have punished him in person!

The bodyguard was shocked. He had expected the result before telling Benson Brown!

When they walked into the village, the bodyguards held flashlights, like a row of well-trained soldiers. Benson Brown walked through the middle of two rows.

"Check, house to house!"

As soon as he gave the order, the bodyguards scattered and knocked at the villagers' doors from the head of the village.

Seeing this, the villagers all woke up. "What are you doing again?"

Without saying a word, the bodyguards rushed into the room and even didn't let go of the pigsty.

"What the hell are you doing? My house has turned upside down. I want to call the police!"

"That's my house to feed chickens. Please leave my house!"

"The robbers have entered the village!"

The continuous screams awakened Professor Clark. He dragged his injured leg to the door, only to see that the village was brightly lit. Countless people came in and out, and Benson Brown was standing in the dam in the village.

"What happened?" Professor Clark held his crutch and limped to Benson Brown.

Benson Brown looked at him coldly and said, "Lynn was missing."

"What?" Professor Clark was shocked, "Didn't she go out to look for you? Why did you look for her in the village?"

"She didn't leave the village."

"So you suspect that the villagers kidnapped her?"

Professor Clark stamped his crutch and said, "It's ridiculous. These villagers are simple. No matter how much they dislike you, they won't secretly attack you. She's missing, but why don't you go into the mountain to find her? Beasts appear at night, which is the real danger!"

Benson Brown raised his head and asked, "In the mountain?"

He was shocked. He gathered the bodyguards who were still searching the villagers and strode into the mountain.

He was the one who cared about her too much and took nonsense!

Although he had looked for Lynn Walker carefully on the way in, he couldn't exclude that she had taken the wrong way!

The wind at night was so cold that Lynn Walker woke up from the cold.

She sat up with her hands propped up and leaned against the soil slope to breathe. Waking up meant that she could live.

As soon as she looked at the snake that had been poisoned to death by her, she saw that her ankle had swollen to the size of a fist. After a while, Lynn Walker took out the blood serum skillfully.

When the blood serum dripped into the wound on her ankle, Lynn Walker felt so painful that she breathed shallowly.

The antidote took effect fast, but you had to suffer.

Her phone was also powered off. She didn't know the time, so she could only speculate by the moon that it was about midnight.

The wind blew into her clothes, making Lynn Walker shiver.

If she stayed here for one night, she would probably be even more unconscious tomorrow than now because of the cold.

All of a sudden, a beam of light came into Lynn Walker's sight in the distance. She narrowed her eyes and couldn't help getting excited.

Was there anyone else!

If someone could help her, she wouldn't have to suffer this!

But the light was too far. She called out three times, but no one responded.

Lynn Walker sighed in frustration. What made her most desperate was to give her hope, but at the same time, to be disappointed!


A familiar voice rang in her ears.

Lynn Walker gave a wry smile. "It seems that I'm frozen to death and have an illusion."

As soon as she finished, Benson Brown stood in front of her in the bright light.

"You are stupid!" When Benson Brow saw her, he was angry and happy, mixed with five flavors, showing the insipidity after suppressing his emotions.

Lynn Walker looked up in surprise. "It's you, Brother Benson!"

At this moment, Benson Brown was tall and strong in front of her. There was a touch of admiration in her eyes.

She didn't expect to see Benson Brown. She was moved and warm.

Benson Brown wanted to blame her, but when he saw her gaunt and red face, he didn't have the heart to say anything more.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, he bent down to pick up Lynn Walker and strode away.

Nestling in Benson Brown's arms, Lynn Walker felt a little lost. His chest was warm and his heart was hot. Even though he was pretending to be indifferent, she couldn't help feeling her heart racing.

In any era, a hero saving a beauty was an eye-catching story.

For a moment, Lynn Walker wondered if the two of them could get along like ordinary couples.

But this idea only lasted for ten seconds, and Lynn Walker quickly denied it.

The reason why they could balance was that they were mutually beneficial. With other meanings, it was no longer simple!

On the second day, the news reported such a commotion in the village.

When Jo Walker saw the news, she said excitedly, "Mom, we don't need to do anything. Lynn Walker did it herself and hurt people!"

Elma White, who was drinking morning tea, took the phone from her.

"It seems that God is helping us." Jo Walker circled her excitedly. "Professor Clark can't embroider now. Lynn Walker has made people angry. Dad will return the project to me!"

"It's not that simple." Elma White frowned.

She was gloomier than Jo Walker.

"The company publicity is Professor Clark's technique. Even if you take it over temporarily, you can't find a better one. If you don't do it well, your father will question your ability."

"Then what should I do? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"It's indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We need to do something about the injury of villagers. Lynn Walker will follow up the project." Elma White narrowed her eyes and sneered, "If she can't do it, your father will never give her a project. She will have no chance to turn over. Although she can get it luckily, because of the villagers' event, she still won't get the honor she deserves. We just need to drink tea and can reap the benefits."

The tea smoke was curling up. Elma White's expression could not be seen clearly.

Jo Walker clapped her hands and said, "Yes. Why didn't I think of it? Mom is the best. I'm going to find the Internet army to publicize this event!"