Chapter 46 What She Is Good At

The snake venom had almost been removed after Lynn Walker took out the blood serum. Benson Brown still took her to the hospital for a general check-up.

"How is the injured man?" Lynn Walker was worried about the man's wound.

Although they didn't attack first, everyone in this world only sympathized with the weak. If something went wrong, they couldn't explain it clearly.

"It's not a big deal. It takes half an hour to sew it up. He can leave the hospital today."

Benson Brown held Lynn Walker's hands and poured her a glass of water.

The temperature on her hand was so high that it was burning. Lynn Walker coughed and said, "The doctor said that I have been detoxified."

"But you must lie down." Benson Brown said firmly.

As soon as he didn't see her, she was wrong. She couldn't get out of his sight.

Lynn Walker: "…"

Did he take her as a three-year-old child?

But she felt good that he took care of her.

Lynn Walker remembered that she had never received any kindness from others in her previous life. Perhaps God wanted to compensate her, so he arranged for Benson Brown to be with her.

The hot search spread much faster than expected.

Although Lynn Walker didn't look at her phone, she had heard about it from a nurse passing by.

She turned on her phone and saw a picture of Lynn Walker being besieged by villagers on that day, which implied that she should bully people.

Lynn Walker's eyes fixed on the last sentence, "If we become silent lambs today, it will repay to me one day!"

She held the phone and looked down.

Both the article and the photo cleverly avoided Benson Brown. Anyone who could do such a thing was clear.

But she didn't expect that Jo Walker would be so fast that she had finished in one night.

Hearing the noise, Lynn Walker put down her phone and asked, "Brother Benson, when can we leave the hospital?"

"Don't worry. I'll ask someone to prepare it."

"Are there many people outside?" Lynn Walker blinked her eyes and asked in a relaxed tone.

Benson Brown was stunned for a few seconds. "There are some paparazzi. Don't worry. They won't come in."

Not only the hospital was a public place, but also his bodyguards could stop them.

The paparazzi's goal was Lynn Walker. They could make up several TV series with a photo.

Bernie Walker dialed Lynn Walker and asked, "Where are you?"

"In the hospital, dad."

"Is it true on the news?" Hearing Lynn Walker's answer, Bernie Walker became angrier. "I heard that you had suspended the project. The new product launch event is about to be held in this quarter. What are you going to do?"

Lynn Walker rubbed her temples. Bad news travels fast. She didn't even have time to breathe.

"I don't care what you are doing in the hospital. You must come to see me tomorrow afternoon, or you will never be allowed to enter the gate of the Walker group."

Bernie Walker said ruthlessly. The phone was busy.

She could foresee what would happen this afternoon.

Lynn Walker put down her phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

She had to face it sooner or later, but she never accepted her fate.

The more difficult it was, the more ambitious she was!

Before leaving the hospital, she found the man's ward and asked Benson Brown and the bodyguards to wait outside.

The man was looking out of the window in a daze, with an elderly-specific phone beside his pillow.

The sound of Lynn Walker closing the door did not attract his attention.

"Are you feeling better?" Lynn Walker rubbed her nose awkwardly.

She had never cared about strangers.

The man slowly turned around and focused his eyes on her. "I've said that I will never compromise with you. You have to pay for your mistakes!"

Lynn Walker raised her eyebrows. It seemed that Benson Brown had talked to him before she came. The result was not so ideal.

She stopped a meter away and said, "There is a complete video on the spot. We haven't released it. If you want to be stubborn, we can only release it so that everyone can distinguish it."

"Don't you know that this matter has been reported on the news and known to all? Won't you blame yourself for causing villagers to be insulted?"

The man used an elderly-specific phone. Although he could check short messages, he couldn't see any comments on the Internet. That was why Lynn Walker dared to mislead him like this.

The man moved his finger and hesitated.

"One man works and acts. It has nothing to do with them."

"Only we know the truth. If you don't help us clarify it, we have to release the video to protect ourselves. The outside will only think that you villagers who rely on your numbers to fight are aggressive."

Lynn Walker stared at the man and saw his changing expression, which was tangled on the face.

After a long while, he lowered his voice. "Didn't you say that you would compensate me? Give me one hundred thousand. I won't mind this matter."

Lynn Walker didn't expect that the man would suddenly ask for compensation. One hundred thousand weren't much, but the man's compromise was very strange.

Benson Brown failed to talk to him, but she succeeded. Lynn Walker didn't think her charm conquered him.

"What do you think? Do you want to go back on your words?" Without getting an answer, the man raised his voice again.

Lynn Walker frowned, "I hope you can keep your word."

She went out and told Benson Brown that the man had changed his mind. Benson Brown directly asked someone to prepare a suitcase.

When the suitcase was opened in front of the man, his eyes were mixed with shock, panic, joy, and other complex emotions.

He timidly touched the suitcase and asked, "Does it all belong to me?"

"One hundred thousand. You can count it." Benson Brown said coldly.

He had seen too many people lost in money, and the man's reaction met his expectation.

He asked people to put more bundles to satisfy him.

The man counted up the bundles one by one. When he had counted one hundred thousand in front of him, he found that four or five bundles of money were still left in the suitcase. The man flew into a rage.

He pushed the suitcase to the ground and said, "One hundred thousand is enough. What do you mean? Insulting me with money?"

The money scattered. Benson Brown immediately pulled Lynn Walker behind him.

When he was about to speak, an old-style ring rang in the room. The man came back to his senses and looked for his phone.

When he connected the line, the other side of the line said something. He lowered his shoulders dejectedly, and the sadness in his eyes replaced anger.

"I'll figure it out. Tell them not to stop taking the medicine first." He choked with sobs. "I'll be right back. You must wait for me!"

He lifted the quilt and jumped off the bed. He strode past Benson Brown, ignoring that he had not changed his patient clothes.

"Wait a minute."

Lynn Walker stopped him. "Are you in trouble? We can help you."

Everyone had his weakness. Although the man was ferocious, he had a soft heart, which Lynn Walker could control.

Especially when Lynn heard the word "medicine". After all, it was what she was good at!