Chapter 47 Give Her a Chance

Lynn Walker decided to go back to the village with the man. When arriving at the gate of the hospital, she suddenly stopped.

Benson Brown paused and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"There are paparazzi outside. They will surely take pictures of us when we go out. Your car is too high-profile. Let's separate." Lynn Walker tried to hide her guilt and make herself look more sincere.

Benson Brown's black eyes reflected her face, like a searchlight, through which one could see her heart.

Lynn Walker tried her best to hold back her uneasiness and smiled innocently.

Benson Brown withdrew his gaze from her smiling face. He shouldn't have doubted her. She was so innocent from beginning to end.

At this moment, Brown's phone rang. The person on the other end of the line said a few words. Benson Brown furrowed more and more tightly.

Finally, Benson Brown looked up at Lynn Walker and compromised, "You must be with the bodyguard this time. I'll come to you later."

"Okay." Lynn Walker nodded firmly.

She felt much better after sending Benson Brown away. As for the bodyguards around her, she had countless ways to make them busy.

As soon as the car left the hospital, Lynn Walker received a call from Bernie Walker again.

"You have two hours. If I don't see you, you'll take the consequences."

Lynn Walker then remembered that she had to go to the Walker group this afternoon.

But she had promised the man to go with him. She was sure that she could help him, but she had to leave halfway. No one would trust her anymore.

While she was hesitating, the car was about to get on the expressway.

Lynn Walker didn't have time to think and asked the driver to turn to the Walker group.

"Where are we going? I want to go home!"

The man came to his senses and slapped the door excitedly.

He was so strong that the door shook as if it weighed a thousand pounds.

Lynn Walker shouted impatiently, "If you slap again, I'll throw you out of the car."

The man was not easily threatened. He gritted his teeth and said, "Open the door for me and I'll get off!"

"Do you still want to save your child?" After she said that, the man stopped.

Sure enough, these words worked.

But he still snorted stubbornly, "Even the most famous doctor in our village couldn't save my child. What ability do you have?"

"My ability?" Lynn Walker just found it funny.

Her reputation on the darknet was known to all. At present, she could cure any disease. Countless rich people wanted to buy her treatment at a high price, but he doubted her ability.

Into consideration of the presence of the bodyguards, Lynn Walker took a deep breath and said, "Do you know the hospital where you came out just now? I'm the apprentice of their dean."

"You?" The man didn't believe it.

The bodyguard said at the right time, "It's true. Miss Walker is the apprentice of Mr. Lyndon."

With the witness, the man was dubious. "Can you save my son?"

"If I can't, my master can,"

She said this to reassure him. If she couldn't cure the disease of his son, the child would have to listen to the calling of God.

At the Walker group.

As soon as Lynn Walker entered the room, she heard people talking about her.

"This is Miss Walker, who came back from that village. With her cleverness, she made a splash at the selection meeting. Finally, she turned out to be a paper tiger."

"I heard that she is in charge of the new autumn products. Can she design something good in this way?"

"You are out of the news. There are rumors about her on the Internet. She bullied the elderly with her identity!"

There were a lot of discussions. Lynn Walker stared at the elevator door as if she had heard nothing.

The rumors stopped at the wise. Now she didn't have the condition to make them smarter.

The meeting room was solemn and quiet. As soon as Lynn Walker opened the door, everyone looked at her.

"Sister, you are here. We have been waiting for you for a long time." Jo Walker sat opposite and greeted her hypocritically.

A long table was full of people. Lynn Walker looked around and sat down opposite Jo Walker.

She said politely, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Bernie Walker pointed at the news on the projector and asked her directly.

Lynn Walker raised her head and saw the picture in which she was standing at the gate of Professor Clark's house and she stopped the bodyguards who were besieged by villagers from hurting them.

As she scrolled down, the comments were obscene.

"The Walker group has gone too far. The confrontation between capital and people is disgusting."

"I have felt that their design is getting uglier and not irreplaceable. I want to help ordinary people!"

"Lynn Walker, apologize. Otherwise, I will hack into your computer and post your information online."

Every sentence followed a photo of her image being transformed into a portrait.

Seeing this, Lynn Walker suddenly burst into laughter.

In her previous life, she died quietly. And there were not so many people mourning for her. Today she realized that death could be so spectacular.

"You have the nerve to laugh!" Bernie Walker pounded on the table, "The company's stock plummeted all because of you. You don't feel guilty at all."

"That's right, sister. You've gone too far. How about apologizing to father and holding a press conference? We all work together to help the Walker group get through the difficulties." Jo Walker squinted her eyes gloatingly, and the smile in her eyes was undisguised.

Other senior executives of the company also fixed their eyes on Lynn Walker, waiting for her answer.

Lynn Walker tapped her fingers on the table and continued, "There are three or four repeated comments on the first page. It's hard to say whether it's netizens' idea or someone's idea."

"Sister, what do you mean? Is there someone trying to frame you on purpose? If you didn't do it, how could others find your fault?" Jo Walker asked.

After saying that, she realized her impulse and lowered her head, not looking at Bernie Walker's expression.

Bernie Walker was not stupid. He knew what kind of trick it was. He glared at Jo Walker and turned to question Lynn Walker, "You did something wrong, but why do you still find someone to take the blame for you? The most important thing is to solve it."

"There are negative comments about you on the Internet. I heard that Professor Clark was also injured. You can quit this project directly."

Everyone was in an uproar. They had prepared for the new product launch event through a quarter. The temporary replacement meant a restart. They seemed to see countless overtime work.

The senior executives, who had no hostility towards Lynn Walker, began to be dissatisfied with her. If their eyes were like knives, Lynn Walker would be devastated at the moment.

Lynn Walker ignored their gaze and said pitifully, "I'll settle the issues regarding Professor Clark. Dad, I've finally got the chance to gain experience. I am almost ready. At least, you can give me an alternative opportunity!"

Bernie Walker yielded to the weak. Only by showing weakness could she have the chance to continue the following things.

Jo Walker rolled her eyes and said, "Dad, my sister worked hard. How about giving her another chance?"