Chapter 48 A Fragile Body Cannot Absorb Too Many Nutritious Materials

Before she came here, Elma White specially told her not to let Lynn Walker miss this opportunity.

Time was tight and the task was heavy. Even if Lynn Walker had three heads and six arms, she couldn't complete the task perfectly. At that time, she would completely fail.

Lynn Walker was surprised that she would speak for her. Seeing the scheme in her eyes, she became more cautious.

When Bernie Walker heard Jo Walker's request, he was stunned. He looked over with a question.

Jo Walker sat up straight and said, "Everyone can see how hard my sister has worked. I'm looking forward to her finished product. It's a pity to give up now."

"Right, let her continue."

"We have other projects to deal with. I believe that Miss Walker can finish it well alone."

The senior leaders all expressed their attitudes. Their subordinates couldn't take over the project, and of course, they would not help.

A project would cause a minor loss to the company. This project also had a few conflicts of interest with them. Even if the loss was great, Bernie Walker would bear it.

Everyone in the meeting room was waiting for Lynn Walker's response. They looked at her with hostility as if they would attack her together as long as Lynn Walker refused.

"I will continue this project." Lynn Walker sneered.

After she said this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Jo Walker said briskly, "Sister, you can't let us down!"

"Professor Clark can't embroider. You must find a replacement within three days. Don't make the Walker group a joke." Bernie Walker's face softened, but his turbid eyes were full of majesty.

This meeting achieved his goal in disguise.

He didn't like his eldest daughter very much. When coming back, she gave others a feeling of seeing through everything. Recently, Elma White was too arrogant. He just wanted to use Lynn Walker to suppress his wife and younger daughter.

Now it seemed that Lynn Walker was not as powerful as he thought.

"As for the rumor on the Internet, you'd better solve it as soon as possible. If it affects the company, I will deduct it from your salary. The meeting is over."

In a flash, only Lynn Walker was left in the meeting room.

She looked at the projection that had not been removed and was lost in thought.

Professor Clark had been injured in his previous life, but he still completed the embroidery task with his partner. This time, because of her interference, he seemed to get injured more seriously.

As for the reason why his temperament had suddenly changed

Maybe it had something to do with the closed bedroom!

When Jo Walker saw Lynn Walker come out, she taunted, "Sister, don't worry. I know a successor of Shu embroidery. Although he is only a teenager, his embroidery is also exquisite. If you need, I can introduce him to you."

Lynn Walker ignored her and walked towards the elevator.

Jo said coldly behind her, "I heard that there was a heavy rain these days. It's not convenient to go to the village. You have to be careful."

Jo Walker was right. As soon as they arrived at the village, it rained heavily. It was already in the evening when Lynn Walker found the man's home.

"Son, are you okay?" The man got off the car and went straight home.

When they walked into the yard, a middle-aged woman with an apron came out to welcome them.

Her face was sallow, which was exposed to the wind and sun for a long time. Her face was ravaged and even cracked.

The woman held an umbrella and said, "The child has fallen asleep. He has suffered a lot these days, and you are not here. I'm afraid that he can't bear it."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The man fulminated to stop the woman from crying.

He pushed the door open and saw a ten-year-old child lying on the bed, murmuring, "Dad..."

"Dad is here. Look, dad is back." The man held the boy's hand, and the iron man's eyes were filled with tears.

He didn't even snort when being stitched, but at this moment, it touched the softest part of his heart.

Lynn Walker lifted the boy's eyelids. The woman pushed her away all of a sudden. "What are you doing?"

If it weren't for the wall behind her, Lynn Walker would have fallen to the ground.

There was a strange smell of medicinal materials on her wrist. Lynn Walker smelled it and immediately became serious.

She said coldly, "The child is full of vital energy and blood. Why did you give him the medicine to replenish his vital energy and blood? Do you think he dies too slowly?"

The woman was most afraid of hearing the word "death", so she said impolitely, "What do you know? This is the prescription given by the most famous doctor in our village. My child's face has become much more ruddy after drinking it a few times ago."

Forcibly replenishing blood and energy, of course, would make his face ruddy. But his body was like a container, which would spill over if it went too far. There was no place for these tonics to discharge, and they could only store in the spleen.

Lynn Walker couldn't help but wonder what kind of doctor he was. He couldn't even understand such a simple truth!

"Go get a basin." Lynn Walker didn't want to talk nonsense.

No matter how much she said, it was not as persuasive as the effect.

No one in the room listened to her command and looked at Lynn Walker strangely.

The man didn't completely believe her words. "Didn't you say that your master..."

"My master will, so will I."

Lynn Walker said helplessly, "I came all the way here just to deceive you? That's too expensive."

"Besides, I'm at your home. If something happens to the child, I won't be able to escape. There's no need for me to risk my life."

She was neither humble nor pushy but made the man believe her.

"Go get her a basin."

The woman reluctantly took the basin and vigilantly watched Lynn Walker's every move.

She laid a bag of silver needles on the bed. Lynn Walker tapped the needles with her fingers, took out a thicker silver needle, and pricked it on the boy's fingers.

His fingers were bleeding profusely. The blood converged in the basin, which made people tremble with fear.

"What are you doing? You want to murder my son!" When the woman realized what had happened, she rushed to take Lynn Walker away.

Without turning her head, Lynn Walker continued, "Your son is still alive. Don't hurt him because of your stupidity."

"What?" The woman was stunned. "Can my son still live?"

This was the only way that the child could live. She couldn't believe what she had heard.

The man also cried with joy, and the emotions accumulated in the past few days were released.

In the chaotic room, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled outside. Lynn Walker's ears were buzzing, which was even more troublesome than the meeting just now.

The blood flowed out of the boy's fingers, and it was black and shiny in the basin.

"A fragile body can't absorb too many nutritious materials, as they will keep in the blood. Of course, the body is getting worse and worse if it lasts for a long time." Lynn Walker explained her treatment as she was busy.

Regardless of whether they could understand or not, she said to herself, "Stop taking medicine these days and eat some light vegetables. When the child is a little sober, you can prepare more high-protein food."

Lightning flashed past the door, and the sound of thunder resounded through the sky.

Someone shouted outside, "Fire! Fire!"