Chapter 49 A Complicated Love Triangle

The man looked outside and ran in. "It's Professor Clark. The lightning made something on fire. I have to help."

The middle-aged woman held his hand and refused to let him go.

"Last time, you also said to go for help. I won't let you go this time no matter what you say!"

The man rolled up his sleeves but was hugged by the woman. He was so angry that he stamped his feet. "If it weren't for Professor Clark, our family wouldn't have the money to treat our child. What's more, you should keep gratitude in mind!"

"I don't care. You are the pillar of our family. If you have something wrong, how can we live?" The woman was so stubborn that she wouldn't let go of him.

Tears streaming down from her cheek combined with the sound of rain outside made Lynn Walker upset.

She couldn't leave the child here, but Professor Clark was in an urgent condition. She was in a dilemma.

"It hurts." The child called in a daze.

The man and the woman were so excited that they gathered around the bed. "My son is awake. He is awake!"

Lynn Walker used a wet towel to wipe the sweat off the child's head. Seeing that the blood on his fingertips gradually became normal, she took out a thinner silver needle.

"I will try my best to look after the child. I hope you can help me to see Professor Clark." Lynn Walker slowly inserted the silver needle into the child's acupoint. Although she was back to the man, everyone present could tell who she was talking to.

The man quickly promised, "Don't worry. Even if you don't tell me, I will go."

The woman held his hand and walked him to the door.

"Wait for me here. I'll get you a raincoat."

"No, it's too late." The man rushed into the rain with the tools and soon disappeared on the dark countryside road.

Many villagers also rushed to Professor Clark's house with flashlights. Although the rain was heavy, the fire was burning more fiercely as it was near the woodshed.

"Professor Clark, open the door!"

"Professor Clark, are you inside?"

The villagers shouted outside for a long time. Just when they thought there would be no movement, the door opened from inside.

Professor Clark was completely wet. Sitting on the stairs, no one could tell whether it was rain or tears on his face.

He raised his trembling hand and pointed to the bedroom, "Hurry up, save my lover!"

On the other side, Lynn Walker concentrated all her attention on inserting silver needles into the acupoints and began to bind up the child's injured fingertips.

Her heart had already floated to the side of Professor Clark. It still burned under such heavy rain. How big the fire would be!

He was alone and his legs were injured. It was still uncertain he could escape or not when the villagers went over.

When thinking of it, Lynn Walker was in a bad mood. It seemed that everything had happened together.

Seeing Lynn Walker's every move, the woman could also feel her mood swing. She didn't dare to say anything because she was afraid of irritating her.

If it weren't for the child's cry of pain, she wouldn't have let her take care of the child.

The child had been in a coma for the past two days. The doctor said that he couldn't save him and let her bring him back. She had been on the verge of collapse several times. Seeing the child's naive face, she wiped her tears and continued to face it.

A few hours later, Lynn Walker took off the silver needles and said, "All right. Prepare a basin of warm water and wipe him every two hours until tomorrow morning. I'll write down a prescription. When the child wakes up, you soak him with the medicine every three days."

"Okay, I'll prepare it right now."

The woman stood up from the chair in such a hurry that she almost knelt.

Lynn Walker helped her up. She noticed that the woman was trembling and couldn't help feeling moved. "The child is fine. He will wake up tomorrow."

If Lynn's mother didn't leave her, she would try her best to protect her!

The rain gradually stopped outside. Lynn Walker walked to the middle of the yard, and the woman ran out and gave her two steamed buns. "You've been busy all night, and there's nothing else in the countryside. I hope you won't mind."

The steamed bun was hot as if it had been kept warm in a pot. Lynn Walker thanked her.

The woman waved her hand, "It's me who should thank you. If it weren't for you, our child would... I know you are worried about Professor Clark. Take this umbrella. I'll call my husband to pick you up."

She changed her attitude a lot towards Lynn Walker and kept apologizing to her.

"No, just a few steps. I can go there." Lynn Walker walked into the rain with an umbrella.

The fire in Professor Clark's residence had been controlled. The villagers had built a simple shed in the field dam.

Professor Clark leaned against a chair to rest, beside which was a bed.

Lynn Walker asked in a low voice, "Professor Clark, how's your injury?"

Professor Clark opened his eyes and saw Lynn Walker's worried eyes.

"He's all right. His arm is seriously injured, but his leg is an old disease. He needs to recuperate slowly." Someone answered for him.

Lynn Walker felt his voice was familiar. She turned around and found it was Duke Lyndon.

He wore casual clothes, which made him more haggard than in the hospital.

"Why are you here?" Lynn Walker was surprised.

She didn't expect that he knew Professor Clark. And he seemed to be acquainted with him.

There were some clues about Professor Clark's hospitalization before, but she was involved in too many things to think deeply.

Duke Lyndon hammered his back wearily. "I came here the day before yesterday. I'm worried about him. If it weren't the heavy rain, he would almost die."

"Is she okay?" Professor Clark cut in weakly, which made Lynn Walker more confused.

"She is fine but won't wake up," he said, throwing him a blanket

"You're proficient in medicine skills but still fail to wake her up."

Lynn Walker was confused. Her eyes were attracted by the person in bed.

Were they talking about the woman in bed?

The woman's hair was black and bright, and her skin was as white as jade. Although her features were not everywhere exquisite, they were gentle and generous, making people unable to take their eyes off her.

She seemed to be asleep, but her expression was so placid as if she could wake up at any time.

Compared with Professor Clark and Duke Lyndon, the woman seemed to be ten years younger than them.

After comforting Professor Clark, Duke Lyndon called Lynn Walker out of the tent.

"As you can see, he has been eccentric recently because of the woman lying on the bed." Duke Lyndon came straight to the point.

He looked back and couldn't help but sigh, "We two old men have been stubborn for more than 20 years. Half of our legs are about to be buried in the earth, but our most worried one is her. We are worried that no one will take care of her in the future."

Lynn Walker asked carefully, "She is..."

From the two people's care, she could see how important the woman was with them. Based on just a few words of conversation, a TV series had already been played in her mind.

Duke Lyndon patted the dirt on his body. "She is the lover of Clark, my younger sister."

Lynn Walker, "…"

It turned out that it was not a complicated love triangle, which made her excited in vain!