Chapter 50 Halfway Medical Skills

Without noticing the disappointment on Lynn Walker's face, Mr. Lyndon continued, "My young sister was weak and sick from childhood, and I learned medicine partly because of her. Her health condition could still be controlled by taking medicine before she was twenty years old. As she grew older, her body seemed to be hollowed out. Professor Clark, whom she knew at her twenty-five years old, married her in five months. Although they were not rich after marriage, they were also happy."

After a pause, he sighed and continued, "But her condition get worse five years later. When I came back, she has changed into a vegetative state."

Speaking of this, Duke Lyndon choked with sobs. It had always been his greatest regret for his coming back too late.

Lynn Walker couldn't help but sigh how unlucky he was.

Happiness seemed to be lasting for a very short time, and no one knew when they would lose it.

It turned out that why Professor Clark didn't let others in that room. No wonder he came back even if he was injured. Was he afraid that she would be too lonely?

"In the past twenty years, I have tried every means to keep her from leaving us. Gradually, hope has turned into disappointment."

Suddenly, something occurred to him. "Don't you know traditional Chinese medicine? Maybe the problem that I can't solve is very simple for you."

His eyes lit up with hope again.

Lynn Walker's throat twitched, but she couldn't refuse, "Let me have a try."

She was not God and dared not say that she could cure any disease.

Since it had something to do with Professor Clark, she could only try her best.

The two of them returned to their tents one after the other. The villagers consciously found a reason to leave.

Professor Clark was a little worried, "Can she cure her?"

"It's been twenty years. Let her have a try," replied Duke Lyndon.

"That's different. I'm used to this state, so I don't dare to take risks easily. Compared with her wakening, I am more afraid of her leaving."

Professor Clark stared at the woman on the bed with his sharp eyes and said firmly, "I said I would raise her for a lifetime."

Hearing this, Duke Lyndon sighed. His younger sister's life was not good, but fortunately, she found the right person.

"Lynn is better at medical skills than me. Let her have a try."

While they were talking, Lynn Walker had a rough idea of what was going on.

It was a knotty disease that had been following her since childhood, which should be caused because of her weakness before birth.

"What do you think?" Duke Lyndon stared at Lynn Walker expectantly.

As long as there was a slim hope, they would go all out.

Lynn Walker shook her head first and said seriously, "I'm not sure."

This was the first time she had said those words.

It had bothered the well-known Mr. Lyndon for twenty years, and it should be big trouble. She didn't even dare to use needles. If something went wrong, Professor Clark would fight with her desperately.

Fortunately, the patient maintained well. Although she was in a vegetative state, she should have had enough nutrition to maintain the basic function of her body. Otherwise, Lynn would give up directly.

She said she was not sure, and there might be a chance.

"Do you have any idea?" Duke Lyndon seized the loophole in Lynn Walker's words and asked.

"It might be troublesome. I can only have a try."

She was not sure whether she could succeed or not.

"It's good to have a try. At least there's hope."

"The condition here is too poor. We have to find a time to take her to the hospital." Lynn Walker took a look at her watch and said, "I know medical skills. I hope Professor Clark and Mr. Lyndon keep it a secret."

If Benson Brown found something wrong, she couldn't explain it.

After the heavy rain, the village became quiet and comfortable. Lynn Walker sat on the stone bench. The cold air made her feel relaxed and happy.

If there was no hatred, she could stay here for the rest of her life and stay away from the hustle and bustle.

"My benefactor." The man came back home and hurried to appreciate, "The child has woken up. Thank you very much."

While saying that, the man was about to kneel. In a hurry, Lynn Walker stood up from the chair to avoid his action.

"It's not a big deal."

"You saved my son, so you saved my whole family!" The man was so excited that his hands trembled. He put down the basket on his back and said, "They are all worthless things. I hope the benefactor can accept them."

There were a lot of herbs and some specialty products in the basket, and the most conspicuous were the bacon and sausage. Lynn Walker had never seen so many of them before.

The man was looking at her eagerly, waiting for her to take it.

Lynn Walker couldn't refuse. She took the basket and put it beside her. A cow rushed over to eat the herbs in the basket.

"Damn it! Go away!" The man was furious. He picked up a branch from the ground and hit the bull.

The cow was scratched by a branch, barking madly.

"Mateo, what are you doing? You want to kill my cow!"

The owner of the cow began to shout from afar. He moved quickly, turned to Mateo, and grabbed the branch in his hand.

"How ungrateful you are! How can you do this to my son?"

Everything happened in an instant.

Still suffering from the shock, Lynn Walker couldn't help but take a look at the man who suddenly appeared.

It was a short middle-aged man with a pocked face. He was limping but looked mean.

"You have the nerve to say that. If you hadn't treated my son at random, he wouldn't have been like this. Before I came to you, you came to me!" Mateo rolled up his sleeves as if he was going to fight, "We are neighbors. I didn't expect you to be so vicious. You didn't marry or have a child, so you want to kill my child!"

"You... Who is gossiping with you? I have prescribed good medicine. Don't take my kindness as malice!" Hamilton questioned confidently with his hands on his hips. His face turned red.

"Good medicine. You have used up all the money of my whole family. My son is getting worse and worse. What's the intention of you?"

Mateo was so angry that he punched the man in the face.

He was tall and strong, and his fists were the size of a casserole. Thus, he had the upper hand compared with shorter Hamilton.

After a short while, Hamilton's face was swollen, black and blue.

"Mateo, you have to give a reason to beat me. I won't get beaten for no reason. Who on earth said I was wrong in front of you?"

Mateo punched several times and felt a little relieved.

He stepped back to Lynn Walker and said, "If it weren't for the timely appearance of my benefactor, how could my son get through last night? I will let everyone in the village know that your medical skills are not reliable!"

"Am I a smatterer?!" Hamilton jumped up and down when he heard this. "Mrs. Ma in the East is in an emergency. The hospital said she was incurable. I pulled her back from the jaws of death! Who else in the world can do that?"

He looked at Lynn Walker with a hint of green light in his dark eyes. "It turns out that you have ruined my reputation outside. Let's wait and see!"

Hamilton led his cow and left angrily.