Chapter 51 Poached Egg in Syrup

Lynn Walker raised her eyebrows disapprovingly. Hamilton didn't know much about medical skills. The reason why the village regarded him as God should be because of Mrs. Ma.

She asked Mateo what was going on. From his description, she guessed that Mrs. Ma must have been in suspended animation. She was out of breath in the hospital but hit by a puck on the way back. So Hamilton could save her.

Hamilton had deceived many people and became the first one that lived in a large insula in the village.

Mateo wanted to say something but stopped on second thought. After hesitating for a long time, he said, "Hamilton is cunning. You'd better be wary of him!"

"I see."

Lynn Walker didn't take it seriously. She just stayed in the village temporarily and would go back in one or two days.

"And about the news in the newspaper, I can't contact the newspaper office. How about you take a video and post it online?"

"Don't worry. I'll ask the reporter to come this afternoon."

"Lynn." Duke Lyndon stood outside the tent and called her.

Hearing this, Lynn Walker told Mateo to prepare food for the child and walked into the tent with a basket.

"Clark is looking for you." Duke Lyndon pointed at Professor Clark who was lying on the cold chair and shrugged helplessly.

Clark hadn't changed his bad temper for decades. Sometimes he couldn't figure out what Clark was going to do.

Lynn Walker guessed that Professor Clark would tell her about the embroidery, so she was mentally prepared to bend in.

"My arm won't be healed for one or two months," Professor Clark said before Lynn Walker could stand firm.

He coughed, "Bella and I owe you. I heard from Duke that you have super medical skills. Although I don't have much hope, I still want to thank you."

"The most important thing is for you to recover. I'll figure out other things."

Lynn Walker didn't know what to do. She just gave up this design idea.

"I have a choice." Seeing that Lynn Walker couldn't cheer up, Professor Clark coughed and said, "In the early years, I had an apprentice who had followed me for ten years. After he got married and had children, we lost contact with each other. If you can find him, you can also solve the pressing problem."


Lynn Walker raised her head. She had never heard that Professor Clark had an apprentice.

"I only remember the address." Professor Clark took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Lynn Walker.

The note was still wet. He should have written not long ago.

They hadn't contacted each other for many years, so Professor Clark tried his best to recall the place. Lynn Walker was very grateful to him.

"Thank you, Professor Clark. I have caused you much trouble recently." Lynn Walker carefully put away the note and felt a sense of relief.

Benson Brown received a call from the bodyguard. It was raining heavily in the village. After the international meeting, he drove to Lynn Walker.

With the accident last time, he became cautious. He could only rest assured to keep Lynn Walker by his side.

After he got on the expressway, a phone call came in.

Benson Brown put on his earphone, "Hello?"

"Son, we've come back. You can come to visit us and have a family dinner sometime." The woman's voice was clear and unquestionable.

"I see. I'll go back when I have time."

Benson Brown's voice didn't change. He held the steering wheel and easily avoided the high-speed cars.

The woman was not satisfied with his answer. "Are you alone? Don't you have a girlfriend?"

The car moved at top speed and passed the humming truck. Benson Brown emphasized, "I'm alone."

"You are not young anymore..."

"I'm driving. Let's talk about it later." Benson Brown hung up before the woman could say anything.

He threw the phone into the passenger seat and stepped on the accelerator.

He saw Lynn Walker two hours later. She squatted in the wheat field, chatting with the villagers. On the opposite was a reporter who had paid a visit to her.

In the warm autumn sun, there was a light on Lynn Walker, which was warm.

With his hands in his pockets, Benson Brown stood still and watched Lynn Walker's every move. He couldn't help smiling.

It was good that she was so nave without any embellishment. He could think of the word "happiness".

Lynn Walker sensed that someone was looking at her. She raised her head and saw Benson Brown in the distance. Her eyes were full of smiles. She dressed casually under the camera, and with this heartfelt smile, it was like a painting.

When the visit was about to end, Lynn Walker waved at Benson Brown.

With a smile on his face, Benson Brown walked to her side and said, "It seems that you have handled it well without me."

Lynn Walker grinned, showing her white teeth. "Of course."

She didn't know why she felt at ease when she saw Benson Brown again. He was like a mountain behind her. She didn't look at him deliberately, but he was there.

"Let's go. I'll pick you up." Benson Brown reached out his hand.

Lynn Walker hesitated for a while and didn't put it on. "I can't leave now. I have to find someone tomorrow."

The most important thing was that she had to see the child tonight. Although it was not a big deal, if the disease relapsed, it would be dangerous without the doctor. In case, she had to stay!

Benson Brown withdrew his hand. His black eyes were filled with disappointment.

He didn't ask who she was going to look for but stayed with Lynn Walker in the village.

Mateo's house was an old building with only one floor. As soon as Lynn Walker and Benson Brown arrived, they occupied the two best rooms. The couple huddled in a place close to the kitchen.

As the night fell, someone walked into the yard of Mateo.

"Why are you here?" Mateo was unfriendly when he saw the man.

Hamilton rubbed his hands and chuckled. "I thought about it when I went back. Indeed, my medical skills are not good. I brought you something as compensation."

He carried a bag which was unclear.

Mateo snorted, "I don't dare to take your things. I'm afraid you'll poison them!"

"Hey, don't take me as an outsider. I bought it from the butcher at the edge of the village and haven't been home yet. If you don't believe me, you can inquire with me now. About ten minutes ago, I met neighbors on the road. Didn't everyone know it was me who wanted to drug you?"

Hamilton was about to stuff it into Mateo's hand. "I'm relieved if you accept it."

Seeing that Mateo didn't accept it, he went to the kitchen and directly put a bag of meat on the stove. "Mrs. Mateo, I'll put it here!"

Mateo's wife was washing vegetables at the kitchen door. Hearing the noise, she quickly wiped her hands on the apron.

Hamilton in the kitchen looked at the stove. In addition to the meat he brought, there were two bowls of poached egg in syrup.

Mateo's family was very poor. His family would never eat them. They must be served for his guest, Lynn Walker!

He rolled his eyes and quickly took out a medicine bag and poured it into two bowls.

"We don't want your things. Take them away quickly!" Mrs. Mateo rushed in excitedly but missed the scene of drugging.

Hamilton straightened up and said, "I've brought you the food. I won't drink this bowl of syrup."

Then he ran out of the kitchen.