Chapter 60 Keep Pestering Girls

It was the first time that Lynn Walker had communicated with Mrs. Brown. She had a deep understanding of the evils of the rich.

She didn't want to waste her energy on other things and wanted to find an opportunity to make it clear to Mrs. Brown. At least for the time being, what Mrs. Brown had done was not as mean as that in the TV series about rich families.

She made an appointment with Mrs. Brown three days after. At this time, Lynn Walker and Benson Brown went to the new factory he had mentioned. The scale was larger than before, but the dyeing technology was not as good as the previous one.

"I'll go back and think about it." Lynn Walker frowned.

Recently, she had been busy with her work, and the design drawing was still at the preliminary stage. However, without Professor Clark's embroidery, dyeing was very important to her.

But she forgot a very important person!

This man's appearance had changed her situation, and all the problems were solved!