Chapter 61 Marry Him

"Why are you here?" Lynn Walker didn't show much joy to Beck William's flowers and cake.

They were both adults and his behavior was misunderstandable. Lynn Walker didn't think her charm could capture a man who had only seen her two or three times.

Beck William, who was aware of Lynn Walker's emotion, quickly spread out his hands and said, "I saw new desserts downstairs and bought some for you."

"I heard that you have changed your design concept recently. I want to see if there is anything I can help with."

His tone was natural, which made Lynn Walker less hostile to him.

When it came to the design concept, Lynn Walker, who had finished the meeting, started to talk endlessly.

"I used to have the goose feather embroidery of Professor Clark and could get others' appreciation just having a try. This time I invited his apprentice, and he was more creative to accept the latest ideas."