Chapter 68 Introduce Some Better Ones

Two hours later, Lynn Walker woke up.

When Duke Lyndon saw her open her eyes, he pushed his glasses and said, "Fortunately, you are sent in time. If you bleed a little more, it's hard to say if you can survive."

Lynn Walker struggled to sit up. She frowned painfully when touching the wound.

"You'd better lie on the bed quietly. The newly sewn wound will leave a scar if it is torn a few more times."

"What time is it now?" Lynn Walker's voice was hoarse, like an eighty-year-old woman.

She couldn't help frowning when hearing her voice.

Duck Lyndon pointed at the clock on the wall, "Here, eleven o'clock in the morning."

"Eleven o'clock..."

Lynn Walker calculated that Elma White and Jo Walker hadn't gotten off the high-speed train yet.

She raised her head abruptly, which startled Duke Lyndon.

"Master, do you have a good gynecologist in the people's hospital in the neighboring province?"