Chapter 69 Worse Than Beasts

As expected, Lynn Walker didn't find anything wrong with the car accident. Whether the spot of the accident or the description of the two drivers, they sounded like a traffic accident.

The more Lynn Walker thought about it, the more suspicious she felt.

Three days later, Beck William woke up.

The first thing he did was to look into the mirror. "Lynn, my face..."

"Your face is fine." Lynn Walker was well prepared. She pointed to the mirror in front of him and said, "The wounds are all in your hair. Your hair will grow up in a few days."

Beck William looked himself into the mirror and breathed a sigh of relief.

If his face was disfigured, his career would be over. He had only taken this job for more than twenty years. If he changed to a new job, it would make him panic.

"I'm sorry that you can't catch the plane." Beck William leaned against the headboard, full of guilt.

He promised to send her on time before leaving but didn't expect to stop at the last point.