Chapter 127 Seize the Opportunity to Complain

The lively atmosphere became particularly awkward because of Rose's arrival. Although everyone was still talking and laughing, their eyes had been fixed on her and Roy.

And Lynn Walker also became the center of public opinion.

Lynn Walker didn't mind being used as an excuse by Roy, but she felt bored sitting there for half an hour.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Lynn Walker whispered to Roy.

Roy raised his head and asked, "What's wrong with you? Do you need me to accompany you?"

"No, thanks. I'll be right back."

Lynn Walker picked up her bag and passed by Alan. Seeing that he stretched out his leg on purpose, she stopped in time.

"Sorry, I didn't notice it." Alan smiled friendly and withdrew his leg as if nothing had happened.

"Nothing." Lynn Walker didn't care and went out directly.

He was provoking her.

But Lynn Walker didn't care about it. She didn't care about such trifles.