Chapter 128 Discipline

Hearing this, Rose didn't dare to look into her eyes. She held Alan's arm and said, "I stained my dress by accident. Go back and sit down!"

Alan had never seen Rose compromise. Thinking that she was saving Roy's face, he got angrier.

"Ray, don't push her too far. If she doesn't apologize to Rose today, it could not end up like this!"

Roy looked away from Lynn Walker and stood in front of her. "Since she said she didn't do that, then she didn't."

Lynn Walker was surprised to hear him say that. Judging from the situation, Rose was in Roy's heart. Her relationship with Roy hadn't reached the point of defending her, but now he was slapping Roy's face in public!

For a moment, Lynn Walker was confused about Roy's mind.

At the same time, Rose's face turned pale. She moved her lips and called his name, "Roy."

Roy didn't even look at her. He stared at Alan and said, "You don't have any evidence to prove that Lynn stained her dress, but everyone saw you pouring water on her. Apologize!"