Chapter 132 In Vain

Seeing this, Elma White quickly stood in front of Lynn Walker and said, "Mr. Longman, pay attention to your behavior!"

"I come to see my son. What else should I pay attention to?" John Longman snorted with disdain.

When his eyes fell on Jo Walker, he became more attentive. "Check the examination report for me. Did the doctor tell you whether it's a boy or girl?"

His face and smile were so greasy that Jo Walker couldn't help retching.

"What are you doing here? I don't want to see you."

John Longman's smile froze for a moment but soon returned to normal. "Of course, I come to see my son. Give me a look!"

After he said that, his face became ferocious. While the two of them were careless, he grabbed the test report directly.

"What the hell are these? Why don't they write about gender?" John Longman muttered while reading the report for a long time.