Chapter 133 Finish It Ahead of Time

"Okay, I promise you." Lynn Walker pretended to be difficult. "But please don't let Jo know about it. She will blame me."

"Don't worry. Since you are willing to agree to my request, we two are in the same boat. I won't sell you out."

Satisfied with Lynn Walker's cooperation, John Longman handed the contract to her and said, "Sign it."

Lynn Walker quickly wrote down her name and showed some concern.

She didn't feel anything wrong. Even if she didn't have the ten million, she would tell John Longman about it at the appropriate time. After all, she needed him to mess up the situation.

John Longman treated her as a chess piece, but he didn't know that he was also a chess piece.

It was so interesting to toss and turn like this!

On the second day after signing the contract, Bernie walker held a general shareholder's meeting. Although Jo Walker was not feeling well, she still tried her best to attend.

How could she miss such a good opportunity to add insult to injury?