Chapter 145 My Surname Is Also Walker

"It's getting late. You can go back first. I don't have anything to entertain you here."

Beck William hobbled to open the kettle, and then skillfully took out instant noodles from the plastic bag.

The paint on the enamel bowl in front of him had been stripped in two places, but he didn't seem to care. He directly put the noodles in and carefully poured the seasoning into it, afraid of missing a little.

The fragment in the bag fell on the table. Beck William picked it up and put it into his mouth, eating with relish.

Seeing this, Lynn Walker couldn't help but feel sad.

In the past, Beck William was very proud. He could invite her to have Japanese food worth thousands. But now, he was quibbling over some instant noodles fragments.

She stopped Beck William and said, "Stop taking it. I'll take you out for a meal."

Beck William said without raising his head, "I can't pay you back now. Besides, I don't think it's appropriate for me to stand by your side. Please go back."